Three For Me
Parent Readiness Survey

You are invited to be a part of your child's education during the school day and after school hours!  
Think you can give at least "three for me" (three hours during the year)?
Completing this survey will allow you to share what you know best - your child - and share ways that you are willing to show your student that you value school and their education.

(Please be sure to complete this survey for each child you have attending school this year - we know all kids are different!)
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Student Name *
Parent/Guardian Name *
When you think about your student and cooperating with adults... *
When you think about your student and choosing to behave well at school... *
When you think about your student and having good relationships with other students... *
When you think about your student and being able to focus and stay on task in class... *
When you think about your student and getting grades that are appropriate for his/her skill level... *
When you think about your student and following classroom rules... *
When you think about your student and completing homework and assignments on time... *
When you think about your student and how they approach tasks that seem difficult or challenging... *
When you think about your student and the possibility of getting irritable, anxious, frustrated, or depressed... *
When you think about your student and their need for structure and supervision to stay on task and behave well... *
I am willing to volunteer THREE HOURS of my time for my child, at school or at home, to help support my student and his/her school. *
I am willing to help my student's school in some way with the following... *
Please mark as many as you would like.
If you chose "other" for the previous question, what are your suggestions?
I am willing to volunteer and give my time to my student by... *
Please mark as many as you would like.
What might be a hobby, special interest, or skill you have that you might be willing to share with your student or group of students at school?
Do you play a musical instrument? *
Would you be able to come to school to read one of your child's favorite books to other children? *
Children are very interested in learning about the work that grown ups do.  Can you think of something about your work that you could share or demonstrate to the students?  What is it?
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