2024-2025 Tutoring Request Form
If you are interested in connecting your student with a student tutor, please fill out the following form. Once we have received your request, we will pass along your information so a tutor can contact you. Please work out all details (time, place, frequency, payment) with that tutor.

Student tutors are $15/hr.

If your assigned tutor is unable to meet when needed, or you do not hear from a tutor within a week of completing this form, contact Mrs. Adams at kadams@jajags.com.

Here is a list of private tutors should you wish to pursue a different option: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZzmYGa3LMW_5rZX1Ybg3rqtKNPusRKOm-xYRFT7lDKs/edit?usp=sharing

Your student's teachers are the best resource for help. Here are their Office Hours: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1srmQ6JR3s0baxN3po6JevK40bkDnkOP74MYIDeRVL6M/edit?usp=sharing
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Today's Date *
Student Name: *
Student Gender *
Student Grade: *
Tutoring for which specific subject(s)? *
Contact Name: *
Contact Email: *
Contact Phone: *
Additional Comments?
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