ISYY English language communications (Kuopio campus)
We would like to hear your views about the Student Union (ISYY) English language communications. How well have we succeeded? What could we do better? Please take a couple of minutes to fill in this short questionnaire and help us communicate better in Autumn 2015. Thank you!
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Which ISYY communication channels have you used and are familiar with? *
Which ISYY communication channels do you prefer to use to receive information in English? *
In your opinion, does ISYY communicate enough in English? *
If you chose "No", please tell us about the problems you have experienced:
How would you rate the English language customer service skills of the Student Union (ISYY) office staff? *
Please tell us about any problems you may have experienced:
How often do you read the Monday Mail? *
If you answered "never", why not?
Do you find the information in the Monday Mail useful? *
If you chose "No", please tell us about the problems you have experienced:
How would you improve the Monday Mail? *
Please share your ideas and suggestions on how to improve the Monday Mail newsletter: *
Your greetings to the ISYY English language communications team: *
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