Harbor Beach 9th Grade Needs Assessment 2015
The Youth Advisory Committee for the Huron County Community Foundation is assessing each community's youth. Results will help us have a better understanding of what YOU! the youth identify as both issues and positives in your community. We are asking you to complete this survey with HONESTY. All responses will be kept confidential. Results will be presented in the spring/summer 2015.
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Gender *
Your responses should be based on what you know or feel about your school/community.

Please rate every question from a 1 to 5 scale.

1 = Not a Problem
2 = Somewhat of a Problem
3 = Minor Problem
4 = A Problem
5 = Major Problem

Category: Drugs
Marijuana *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Prescription Drugs *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Other Drugs *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
If you identified Other Drugs as a problem, please indicate what type of drug.
Category: Alcohol
Binge Drinking *
"The consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time."
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Alcohol Abuse *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Social Drinking *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Category: Tobacco
Cigarettes and Alternative Cigarettes *
Including E-Cigarettes, Hookah, etc...
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Chewing Tobacco *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Category: Driving
Reckless Driving *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Distracted Driving *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Texting While Driving *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Drunk Driving *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Category: Technology
Cyber Bullying *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Sexting *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Texting During Class *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Plagiarism *
"The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Cheating *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Technology Resources at Home *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Access to Internet at Home *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Technology Resources at School *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Access to Internet at School *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Category: Economy
Jobs for Teens *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Economic Pressure at Home *
Stress caused by family financial issues
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Ability to Access Adequate Clothing *
Ability to access necessary clothing for the weather
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Access to School Food *
Free or reduced lunch
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Nutritional Food at Home *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Category: Peer to Peer
Peer Pressure *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Harassment & Hazing *
Activities that involve humiliation, torture, or embarrassment to initiate a member into a group
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Bullying *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Fighting *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Teen Suicide and/or Self Harm *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Eating Disorders *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Category: Relationships
Teen Pregnancy *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Sexually Transmitted Diseases *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Sexual Pressure *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Physical Abuse by Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Mental Abuse by Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Category: Home Environment
Large Population Living in Home *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Family Support *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Threat of Losing Home *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Physical Abuse by Family Member *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Mental and/or Verbal Abuse by Family Member *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Home Utilities *
Water, Heat, Electric, & Laundry
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Transportation From Home *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Category: School Environment
Pay to Play Fees for Sports *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Extracurricular Activities *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
School Programs Being Cut *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Leadership Opportunities *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Access to Personal Counseling *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Access to School Counselors *
Educational Purposes
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Scheduling *
Not getting classes you want or need
Not a Problem
Major Problem
High Student to Teacher Ratio *
Too many students in the classroom
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Outdated School Books *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
People Stealing from Lockers *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Coming to School Events Under the Influence of Drugs and/or Alcohol *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Bringing Illegal Substances to School *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Quality of School Food *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Safety at School *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
School Facilities *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Category: College Access
Lack of Scholarships *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Access to College Tours *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Lack of Career or College Fairs *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Family Support to Motivate Going to College *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Access to College Advising *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Cost of Attending College *
Not a Problem
Major Problem
Do you plan on furthering your education after High School? *
Which of the following categories is the biggest issue in your community? *
Category: Positives in Your Community
Please Select Your THREE Favorite Positives in Your Community *
What is your MOST favorite thing in your community *
Are you familiar with the Huron County Community Foundation? *
Are you familiar with the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) ? *
Is there any other NEGATIVE things in your community that effect you, not mentioned on this survey?
Are there any other POSITIVE things in your community that effect you, not mentioned on this survey?
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