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Tell us what you think about easyemployer!
Whether you are a client of ours or not.., we want to hear what you think! It's anonymous... but you will be given the option of providing contact details if you want us to contact you to discuss your feedback - it's up to you!
**PLEASE NOTE: This form is for FEEDBACK only** If you are a current client and want assistance please use the easyemployer Helpdesk (
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Let's begin!'ll only take a minute!
How did you first hear about easyemployer?
Online - Search
Online - Website
Online - Article/Blog
At an Event
Are you a current client?
Yes! Then "Section 1" for you!
No! Then "Section 2" is for you!
SECTION 1: I am a Current Client!
What parts of your staff management is easyemployer helping you with the most?
Staff Details
Rostering - SMS / Email Alerts
Time Collection
Time Sheet Management
Award Interpretation
Reporting - General
Reporting - Labour Cost
Reporting - Staff Performance
Reporting - Attendance / Performance
Reporting - Financial
What do you love about easyemployer?
i.e. what easyemployer feature/s makes you life easier!
Your answer
What improvements would you like to see with easyemployer?
i.e. what would you like us to work on to improve your easyemployer experience.
Your answer
How likely are you to recommend easyemployer to other business managers/owners to make managing their staff easy?
I never would
I definitely would
Clear selection
Tell us what you think about the customer service you receive from the easyemployer team
i.e. what did you like, what do you think we can improve on.
Your answer
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your easyemployer experience?
Your answer
SECTION 2: I'm not a Client
What areas of your staff management would you like easyemployer to help you with?
Easy/quick rostering
Staff availability tracking
Email/SMS shifts to employees
Wage forecasting/budgeting
Accurate time & attendance clocking
Automatically generated timesheets
Online timesheet authorisation
Automatic award interpretation
Instant payroll processing
What would be your main motivation/s in seeking to automate your staff admin tasks?
Save Time
Save Money
Gain Peace of Mind
Reduce Stress/Frustration
Systemise Business Processes
Add Value to Your Business
Systemise Processes to Enable Expansion of Your Business
What do you think of our easyemployer (
) website?
- we've just updated it. It's pretty different to anything else out there! Tell us what you think!
I haven't seen your website yet.
I like the design.
I don't like the design.
I don't care about design, I just want information.
There ISN'T enough information on the site.
There IS enough information on the site.
There is JUST enough information for me to be interested and contact you for a demo / trial / more info.
Is there anything else you'd like to give us feedback on?
Your answer
All done! what would you like us to do with your feedback?
This survey is ANONYMOUS! Would you like us to action your feedback by contacting you to discuss it further?
Yes, I want to discuss my feedback!
No, I'm happy to just click submit and be anonymous!
If YES, please provide your contact details below - and let's discuss!
i.e. name, business name, email address & phone number.
Your answer
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