【守護香港大學】參與聯署【Protect HKU】Signature Campaign
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  For Non- Alumni, please click http://goo.gl/forms/9eZJOwg1ZM 
(如非香港大學校友,請轉到http://goo.gl/forms/9eZJOwg1ZM 填寫,成為支持者)

關注組Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/HKUFinalDefence





1. 校委會應根據既定的任命程序和行事習慣,盡快確認副校長物色委員會的建議。任何偏離上述建議的決定,必須提出令人信服的理據。

2. 改革制度,取消由行政長官兼任校監的安排,或只保留校監的禮儀角色,從而減低行政機關干預院校自主的機會,以維護學術自由的寶貴傳統。


【聯 署】






畢業年份 聯署發起人名稱
1958 張鄭寶蓮
1960 馮以浤,李鉞
1962 林鉅成,林偉權
1963 李璇佩
1966 黃震遐
1967 黃宏發
1968 龍沛蒼,張國強,梁孟釗,梁錦輝,詹德隆,葉孔修
1969 吳靄儀,鄧秉堅,王永平,陳恩士
1970 宋恩榮,湯乃祥,潘孝賢,温頌安
1971 關恆生,區伯權
1972 陳景生,吳錦祥,陳求徳,秦肇陽,Kwan, Yiu Lam ,鄺海疇
1973 程翔,辛長偉,李澄明
1974 楊森,馮可立,何俊仁,劉靜梅,袁天佑,冼麗芳,黃焯焜
1975 余若薇,何芝君,黎則奮,麥偉彪,葉嘉雯,傅香良
1976 李文豪,劉慧瑩,劉山青,吳呂南,陳碧䇸
1977 胡健維,舒琪,梁杏芬,梁振強
1978 徐蒂綿,李卓人,陳清僑,陳永佳,余秀珍,麥海華
1979 韋志堅,李澤敏,馮智活,陳慶年
1979 石兆泰,劉漢杰
1980 何國強,黎廣德,楊日華,李耀文,李智明,陳啟遠,方敏生
1980 張玉堂,李永達,黃惠嫻,邵幼俊,伍靄雯,張楚勇
1980 吳俊雄,鄭玉鸞,劉修謙,譚瑞玲,高志昌,蔡英士,王薇
1981 袁淑儀,何式凝,潘燕華,鄭志樑,楊傑明,馮業興,黃於唱,劉艾絲
1981 呂定國,甘炳光,方奕霖,許嬋嬌
1982 梁家傑,李文江,崔志英,林焕華,劉光傑,劉育港,單仲偕,鍾漢達
1982 許舜莉,黃婉華,馮蕙薇,甘綺玲,繆亮,曾蕙蓮,陳淑儀
1983 梁小琴,楊光輝,歐耀佳,余煒立,吳麗貞,楊瓞仁,袁美玲,勞錦章
1983 李以楷,陳漢標,劉國光,沈秀貞,馮偉華
1984 葉建源,沈士文,陸錦光,戚本盛,李偉業,張錦成,陳少群,張文斌
1984 趙潔儀,孫美英,李詠菊,譚月娟,羅家明,鄧燕梨,李啟文
1985 廖振華,涂謹申,李量奇,關智鸞,郭家麒,鄧淑儀,莊士凱 ,賴振鴻
1985 陳善美,莊瑞芬
1986 梁耀忠,劉庭善,邱淑賢,蔣適賢,鄺文偉,陳德榮
1987 葉劍青,陳昌華,梁玉麒,梁惠安,范卓雲,梁鳯萍,許舜芝,陳錦明
1987 廖玉玲,黎麗如
1988 衛兆輝,陸靈中,黄善民,麥東榮,屈大成,邱偉平,伍振東,郭運光
1988 劉永昌,劉建中
1989 袁耀清,邱振明,楊區麗潔,張永融,陳慧霞,趙慧儀
1990 吳劍昇,李國偉,黃慧瓊,黃智球,Tong, Rachel ,李勝榮,楊慧議,陳純菁
1990 李國文
1991 吳永輝,陳惜姿,蔡國光,羅國強,吳國華,陳玉蘭,張文茵,陳詠娟
1991 李銳華,袁惠兒,陳麗君,周博賢,仇泰初,施安娜
1992 張銳輝,吳思朗,陳卓彬,何永康,蘇建華,方約恆,陳國邦,陸應麟
1993 蘇培健,陳達明,廖珮碧,古穎斌,張智聰,方德豪,潘小濤,鄭婉儀
1993 屠凌珠,葉杏麗
1994 陳淑莊,黃浩頤,Chan, Hoi Wan,劉艷英,麥聖希,袁志彬,姚光純
1995 李偉斌,衞慶祥,關尚義,葉慶芳,關琅天,黄慧雯,梁海山
1996 張修儀,譚麗賢,陳德基,熊永達,劉偉平,王銘恩,范俊傑,曾德芝
1996 張林秋
1997 唐嘉汶,關卓妍,陳寶明,盧德興,高駿逸,周慧清,簡敏儀,葉苑茵
1997 Cheung, Daphne
1998 蔡玉儀,朱詠湘,王振星,潘淑瑛,李永成,鍾閣純,Mak, Steven,黃鶴鳴
1998 葉燮驥,姚松炎,邢家麒,曾卓謙,馮佩珊,林傳芃,羅桑德吉,余向羣
1998 宋錦儀,張志怡
1999 黃瑞紅,鄧徐中,莊瑞菁,區美寶,Wong, See Yan,梁希倫,盧文偉
1999 陳德仕,倪宏珠,丘增琴,杜浩邦,吳穎祺,黎靜君,喬偉鋒
2000 郭榮鏗,張韻琪,周子恩,陳敬慈,羅淑玲,Leung, Ki Man ,葉佩華
2000 陳湖海,謝智敏,周誌遠,郭菲里,王勵勤,李遠宏,蔡樺,劉善雅
2000 廖加悅,羅碧芝,廖家悦
2001 黃庭鈺,李少芬,Wong, Martin,李秀雯,顏昭華,吳寶詩,陳綺媚,曾子飛
2002 Tang, David,何志宇,程德君,陳虹秀,Chan, Tin Yan Kerensa,黃源達,文浩正
2002 吳婷茵,盧穎霏,任建峰
2003 馮德焜,程德欣,Chan, Tak Ching,關志明,鄭家鴻,錢淑嫻,黃哲希,嚴信邦
2003 黃可筠,鄧騏鋒,劉浩源,胡慧瑩
2004 Tam, S,李明冲,葉海琅,黃玉兒,何沛倫,王偉恩,鍾劍華,黃鳳山
2004 白艾榮,嚴信恒,羅恩惠,黃媛桃,林慧明,溫志文,碧樺依,林高然
2005 陳家明,石懷謙,許建熙,李樂恩,劉明玉,葉雅詩,黃智鈞,譚嘉欣
2005 朱洛誼,李藝靈,鄭韶霞,蔡健敏
2006 蘇耀坤,王俊承,翁梓鋭,徐德坤,林達興,鄧琳,邱祖淇,林穎琪
2006 張子龍,吳志康,謝明燊
2007 梁允信,鄭雅詩,陳少清,黃偉國,朱健新,蔡穎昌,林源海,陳泰然
2007 陳智豪,黃益玲
2008 何麗珊,Guertler, Siegfried,馮宜樂,梁真浩,劉偉珊,區偉麟,梁冠華,Ha, Bok Yi
2009 林澤鋒,蒲仲賢,施旭成,王國璋,吳志誠,黎雋維,梁子聰
2010 郭永健,袁慧妍,黃冠能,蔡悅兒,吳致遠,劉銘騏
2011 閻靖靖,李維綱,巫榮發,黃詠瑩,李華澤,羅昕濤
2012 李成康,Tse, Emily,劉偉傑,羅子駿
2013 潘藝天,黃子瑋,Tang, Desmond,陳偉文
2014 曾國權,Lui, Man Ting,高沛恒,岑子峰,李穎翹,鄭浩然,潘嘉恒
2015 劉晨陽,陳嘉偉,梁麗幗


English Version

【Protect the Integrity of HKU】JOINT STATEMENT

(Although the signature campaign for publication has been finished on 27 July 2015, the joint statement from is still available for co-signing, please sign up right now! The latest Co-signing list will be uploaded in here and facebook page at a later stage.)

The latest Co-signing list_as of 6th Aug 2015 : https://goo.gl/i3IgF7
HKU Alumni Concern Group Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HKUFinalDefence

Safeguard University Autonomy; Uphold Academic Freedom

We are a group of alumni  of the University of Hong Kong. In the past six months, HKU has been under frequent attack by certain media and it was said that the Chief Executive may have tried to interfere into the appointment business of HKU’s governing Council. Against this background, the Council has repeatedly deferred the appointment of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Staffing and Resources), while changing its reasons repeatedly. On 30 June, despite the Vice-Chancellor’s strong request, the Council, instead of following the convention of confirming the Search Committee’s recommendation, further delayed the appointment process – their absurd excuse being that they would wait for the future Deputy Vice-Chancellor to assume his post before making a decision. We cannot help but ask: does this conform to due process and the traditions of HKU? Is this proper in  the university governance? In light of such dire situation, can HKU possibly safeguard its autonomy? We are deeply concerned that the Hong Kong public will soon lose confidence in the governance of HKU.

As devoted alumni of HKU, we strongly urge that:

1. The Council should, in accordance with established procedures and precedents, confirm the recommendation made by the Search Committee without delay. Any deviation from such recommendation must be properly justified.

2. The institutional framework should be reformed so as to prevent the Government from interfering with the university’s autonomy and to uphold the priceless tradition of academic freedom at HKU. In particular, the automatic appointment of the Chief Executive as the Chancellor should be abolished; if not abolished, the Chancellor should only play a ceremonial role.



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(e.g. 陳大文)
英文全名 English Name (*將會公開 To be publicized) *
(e.g.  Chan, Tai Man)
畢業年份 Graduation Year (*將會公開 To be publicized) *
(e.g. 1970)
課程 Programme *
(e.g. B.A.)
聯絡電話 Mobile Phone No.
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