Application to demo at Startup Saturday
Giving a demo at Startup Saturday allows you to pitch in front of a very experienced panel of business founders and investors. It's a quick Q&A session that can change your world in a few minutes.
Your pitch will also reach out to a highly qualified audience. They can enrich you with brutally honest feedback, suggestions and offer to help.

Please apply if you wish to demo at Startup Saturday.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Are you an early stage start-up?   *
Say Yes if it is 0 to 2 years since inception
What is the Brand/Company/App Name? *
Give proposed name if it is not registered.
Define your product/service/company/mission? *
Briefly describe why your idea is worth spreading.
Why do you wish to pitch to Startup Saturday Audience? *
Being specific is a virtue.
Your Name and Contact details? *
Put all details - E.g. Abraham Lincoln / 9686868686 / 
Which city do you want to give a demo at? *
Links to LinkedIn Profiles of the founding team
Link to your pitch deck, website, mobile app, and any other material you'd like us to look at
How many startup saturdays have you attended? *
Where did you hear about startup saturday? *
Please add your twitter handle and FB page details.
Put all details E.g. @mystartupname ,
Do you have any specific questions/requests for the panel or audience?
Specify all that you'd expect to gain from this event. We'd work with you to create a fine pitch.
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