Industrial Hemp Data collection Form
The purpose of this form is to help determine where processing needs are in Illinois based off of the geographic data collected from this form.

This form is for SERIOUS GROWERS. Please only fill out the form if you indeed intend on cultivating industrial hemp when the opportunity becomes available.

The information collected will be shared with Tory Dahlhoff at the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council. His team will use the data to generate a map. This visual tool is a crucial component to building the next steps in processing.

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Bellow is an example map to give you an idea of what we are hoping to create. The points on the map will represent your farm. The cultivation type you pick will be color coded on the map. If clusters form, we will use the color to help determine what type of processing facility is needed in an area.
Name - First
Name - Last
Street Address 1
Phone number
I plan to cultivate hemp for... (Check all that apply)
If you chose other, please explain
Range of acres you plan to plant
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This form was created inside of Illinois Stewardship Alliance.

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