Master Calendar & Event Request
All proposed calendar requests for GBC and WCA must be submitted to the church office for approval at least 2 weeks in advance in order to coordinate activity schedules. You will be notified regarding schedule approval.  
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Who is the contact person for this event? *
Email of contact person? *
Phone number of contact person?
Name of Event *
Description of Event
Please provide for advertisement purposes
What category is this event in? *
Desired location of Event?
Date of Desired Event *
*If the event lasts multiple dates, please include the rest of the time & date information in the "Notes" section
What time will this event start? Include adequate time for set-up.
What time will this event end? Include time for clean-up.
Are there any transportation needs for this event?
Is there any equipment that is needed for this event?
Will any furniture or equipment need to be moved for this event?
If so, you may need to submit a drawing to the office of the desired layout.
Are there any Audio/Visual needs for this event *
Please check all that apply
Any additional notes or comments?
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