Properties of Waves
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1. During a recent hockey game between St Louis and San Jose, the St Louis fans started to do the wave. The wave pulse took 39 seconds to get around the arena and the average distance around the arena is 280m.
a. What is the velocity of this wave? *
1 point
b. What is the frequency of this wave (answer in Hz)? *
1 point
c. Is this an example of a transverse or a longitudinal wave? *
1 point
d. Who is going to win the Stanley Cup this year? *
1 point
2. Label the following examples of periodic motion as transverse or longitudinal
a. Swinging pendulum *
1 point
b. Vibrating guitar string *
1 point
c. The sound made by the vibrating guitar string *
1 point
d. Sound waves travelling down a clarinet *
1 point
e. Waves in the ocean *
1 point
f. Sunlight *
1 point
3. Which of the following factors affect the speed of a wave (check all that apply)? *
2 points
4. The wave pulse shown below is incident on a fixed end.
Pick the best representation of the reflected ray from a fixed end. *
1 point
5. A mosquito beats it wings at a rate of 30,000 wing beats per minute.
5a. What is the frequency in Hz of the sound wave created by the mosquito's wings? *
1 point
5b. Assuming the sound wave moves with a velocity of 340 m/s, what is the wavelength of the sound wave generated by the beating wings? *
1 point
6. A large crest of water requires 12 seconds to travel from a fishing boat to the pier which is 36m away. While sitting on the boat, the fishermen notice that 18 crests pass the boat in 32 seconds.  What is the wavelength of the waves?
What is the wavelength of the waves? *
2 points
7. The diagram below shows two waves travelling towards each other.
7a. Pick the best representation of the resulting waveform when the two waves are interfering with each other. *
1 point
7b. Is this an example of constructive or destructive interference? *
1 point
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