Use Case Submission Form
Many Waze CCP partners solve a variety of challenges and make better informed decisions through creative, Waze data-driven analysis and experimentation (see the Case Study Book for more details). Each experiment or analysis is rooted in the desire to improve the hyperlocal driving experience for citizens - the main goal of this program!

We know sharing use cases helps everyone - giving Waze and partners new inspiration and ideas. Additionally, case studies showcase the value of this free partnership to your citizens. They create moments to showcase your commitment to your citizens and how you are innovating through data to improve their local experiences.  

Do you have a good use case upcoming, in progress or completed? If so, please fill out this form to tell us a bit more about it. Please note word count as it’ll help us quickly understand the details.

We’ll be in touch if we think it will make for a great case study for marketing/PR efforts and/or if we have any ideas on how to make it stronger!

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Relevancy *
Is your use case tied to a recent event or an issue that affects most citizens? Is it timely (weather-related, major traffic event, etc.)? Please provide details below.
A Problem or Challenge *
What were you trying to solve/improve? Some good examples: Reduce congestion in parts of town (examples: City of Boston and Rio) Reduce cars on the road or traffic during a major traffic event (example: PA Turnpike)  Reach citizens during a crisis (examples: hurricane & snow case studies) Reduce response times and traffic clearance costs (examples: Genesis Pulse and Sydney )  Better inform an infrastructure decision (examples: Rio garbage center) Better support local businesses (example coming soon: Johns Creek)
A Clear Solution *
How did you solve it? What was the process? Did any CCP partners help you with ideas or execution? The solution should be written so that the average consumer can understand its impact.
Impact *
The most important part! Did your solution clearly solve the problem you outlined? The strongest case studies include numbers and figures ranging from: Percentages (% decrease in congestion) Time (# of minutes saved on response times, how many minutes ahead Waze alerts are received) Facts (# of cars off the road, # of police/EMS dispatched) Dollars (any dollar amount to show how the technology or how response/alert times save taxpayers/locals money!)
Timeline *
Helpful to document the process - when did you identify the issue? When did you start analyzing data to inform decisions? When and how long did you test the solution?  For weather crisis support like hurricanes and snow, it’s also helpful to map by hour what was done as this support moves quickly - something that fascinates readers!
Visuals *
Capture everything - screenshots of before/after map photos, graphs, photos onsite - anything that can help showcase the story. Links to images work best here!
Unique or Scaleable *
Is this something that can be replicated by other municipalities or something they can learn from? Is this unique to your city and something that strongly impacts your citizens?
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