YouTube-8M Workshop Submission
Welcome to the CVPR 2017 Workshop on YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding!

Please fill in the fields below in order to submit a paper to the Workshop.

Classification Challenge Track submissions must provide a method description (abstract) of a submission to the YouTube-8M Kaggle competition. If the team desires to be eligible for the prizes, you will also need to provide an open-sourced implementation of your method and a full paper about it (4 - 8 pages recommended), ideally hosted on arXiv. You will also be asked for your team name used in Kaggle competition.

General Paper Track submissions must provide an abstract and a URL to the contents of the paper, which  explore some application or research topic using YouTube-8M. While arXiv is not mandatory, we strongly recommend using this free service for hosting papers.

Your email will be used to contact you regarding your submission's status. If you have any question regarding your submission, please feel free to send an email to the program chairs (
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