자바스크립트가 브라우저에서 활성화되어 있지 않아 이 파일을 열 수 없습니다. 활성화하고 새로고침하세요.
Google Local Restaurant Rich Cards - Interest Form
Please use this form to register your interest for inclusion in Google Local Rich Cards feature. Detailed implementation instructions can be found here:
Prior to submitting this form, please ensure that:
1. The markup has been embedded into your production site, per the above instructions
2. The markup has been tested using our testing tool:
3. The markup will render without requiring user login.
Google에 로그인
하여 진행상황을 저장하세요.
자세히 알아보기
* 표시는 필수 질문임
Example URL with <Restaurant> markup
내 답변
Example URL with <itemList> markup
내 답변
Popular Search queries where your content displays (i.e. "top Philadelphia restaurants", "best LA restaurants")
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양식 지우기
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이 설문지는 Google.com 내부에서 생성되었습니다.
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