Reserve with Google - Launch Readiness Checklist
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
What company do you represent? *
Tell us more about your plans for the Pilot and/or Public Launch.

If you would like to communicate publicly about your launch / integration with Reserve with Google, your communciations will need to be approved by the Reserve with Google PR team.
Do you plan on sending any messaging out to your merchants, employees, or other internal stakeholders? *
If yes (or maybe), have you recieved approval from the Reserve with Google PR review process? *
Please review the following questions to ensure you are ready for launch.
Have you verified that your integration abides to the policies outlined here: and here *
Have you completed all required fields of the Contact Information tab (under Accounts & Users) within the Partner Portal? *
Have you uploaded a company logo, links to ToS, privacy policy, and merchant sign-up URL under the Brands page of the Partner Portal? *
In Partner Portal > Onboarding Health (Production), are all relevant aspects of your integration passing (green)? *
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