quick feedback form (your comment may be public)
You can leave public feedback for the project here.

Please note that comments and your name/organization will be shared with the public community group. Email addresses will be accessible to the project's steering group and site admins.

To learn how to engage more deeply with the community see for more on how we use Github and W3C community groups to improve our schemas, and for other ways to get in touch.

Note also that this is not the place for feedback on particular search engine products, tools or services - please get in touch with the relevant company directly.

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While providing contact information is not required, it helps us follow-up if needed. Note that we can't reply to most messages.
Your organization (optional)
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Whether the page is a 'type', 'datatype', 'property' or 'enumeration'  vocabulary term, or 'docs' (for other pages on the site)
URL of the term (e.g.
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