Certificate Transparency hack day registration
The public CT hack day is planned to take place at the Google London offices on Wednesday, August 28th, 2013.
Sign-up here to indicate you'll attend.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full name *
email address *
Only so we could notify you of arrangements for the day.
Fields of interest
Help us prepare better for the day by indicating specific things you'd like to work on
More details about your fields of interest
If not mentioned in the previous question, or you chose "Other", provide extra info here.
Will you be able to prepare your machine for CT development?
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Which size T-Shirt would you like ?
In order that you can look snazzy on your way home, we're hoping to have some t-shirts to give you, which size would you like ?
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Anything else we should know?
Dietary requirements, time constraints, etc
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