FIRST NAMELAST NAMEBLOG POST URLTITLE OF POSTONE- or TWO-SENTENCE TEASER (to drive traffic to your post)TWITTER ID (leave off @ sign)Twitter URL
GrantLichtmanhttp://wp.me/p4Rk8w-RpRisk is Key to Leadership: #LeadershipDay14 via Scott McLeodThe most critical leadership skill in a time of change is embracing and modeling risk. Period. Leaders who cannot promote risk across the organization will never be effective at leading innovation.grantlichtmanhttp://twitter.com/grantlichtmanhttp://twitter.com/
IanLandyhttp://technolandy.wordpress.comsometimes you need to embrace chaosToo often education leaders want to "watch and listen" in their first year before making changes. Sometimes you can't afford to wait...technolandyhttp://twitter.com/technolandyhttp://twitter.com/
KimCaisehttp://wp.me/p39xZQ-17B8 Ways to Demonstrate Leadership Skills as a Technology Teacher LeaderIn honor of Scott McLeod's eighth anniversary of blogging, this blog post features 8 ways that teacher leaders can demonstrate leadership skills that foster the use of technology in the classroom.kcaisehttp://twitter.com/kcaisehttp://twitter.com/
BrantNyberghttp://aboutrms.blogspot.com/Did someone say tech savvy?So your administrator actually knows something about ed tech. What now?principalnyberghttp://twitter.com/principalnyberghttp://twitter.com/
AliceBarrhttp://alicebarr.blogspot.com/2014/08/leadership-day-2014-mind-gap.htmlLeadership Day 2014: Mind The GapIncreasingly I see technology being chosen to solve a perceived problem or fill a gap. In my opinion, that gap continues to widen. Instead, I want to focus instead on the great teaching and learning in our schools.alicebarrhttp://twitter.com/alicebarrhttp://twitter.com/
CaleBirkhttp://thelearningnation.blogspot.ca/Better Is Not EasierIf one is willing to put in the work, integrating technology has the potential to engage learners in a multi-sensory way that was not possible twenty years ago. In a way that will make students, teachers and administrators stay up at night trying new things and sharing their successes and failures with friends, colleagues and even people they have never met. Integrating technology has the potential to make learning better!birklearnshttp://twitter.com/birklearnshttp://twitter.com/
GarthNicholscohort21.com/gnicholsHow Mozart and Gutenberg inform my LeadershipAfter hearing about great people in History worked to make information, ideas, music and religion more transparent, I've adopted the same, and am taking concrete steps to make it happen.Think_Teachhttp://twitter.com/Think_Teachhttp://twitter.com/
SylviaMartinezhttp://sylviamartinez.com/a-leadership-blueprint/A LEADERSHIP BLUEPRINT FOR THE MODERN, CONNECTED WORLDLeadership in the modern, connected world we live in doesn’t mean “I do, you repeat” – it means that together we are better. It may seem messy and inefficient to some people, but I think it’s an emerging and powerful leadership model.smartinezhttp://twitter.com/smartinezhttp://twitter.com/
RaeFearinghttp://www.edtechyness.blogspot.com/2014/08/5-ways-to-be-technology-leader-in-your.html5 Ways to Be A Technology Leader in Your SchoolNo more "Do as I say, not as I do". Model the effective use of technology with these 5 tips for school administrators. raefearinghttp://twitter.com/raefearinghttp://twitter.com/
AndrewWatthttp://andrewbwatt.com/2014/08/15/tech-leadership-day-lessons-for-the-futureTech Leadership Day: Lessons for the FutureThe lessons of the past few years suggest strongly that whether you know how to use technology in the classroom or not, the next few years are going to be quite difficult for teachers under any circumstances. Use the time that you have now to learn new skills, to teach new skills, and to build a new kind of portfolio. Adopt a surgeon's model — when you see a cool presentation, or a new video try to make one yourself. Above all, practice general computing.andrewbwatthttp://twitter.com/andrewbwatthttp://twitter.com/
JanaScott Lindsayhttp://drivingmetohink.blogspot.ca/Lead From WithinWe all have what it takes to lead learning in the positive of ways in our learning communities.janaslindsayhttp://twitter.com/janaslindsayhttp://twitter.com/
Richard BernatoEdufuturing.wordpress.comThe Sum of McLeod's Seven Key Components.A few months back Dr. McLeod blogged about the seven components of a futures based school. This blog had reviewed and analyzed each of his principles and summarizes them by offering research questions that would shape a study of his model.richDis48http://twitter.com/richDis48http://twitter.com/
PaulCancellierihttp://www.scriptedspontaneity.com/2014/08/read-my-blog-please/Dear Principal: Read My Blog, PleaseWhat would happen if principals read what their teachers are blogging about?mrscienceteachhttp://twitter.com/mrscienceteachhttp://twitter.com/
Dean Shareskihttp://ideasandthoughts.org/2014/08/13/what-do-you-mean-byAnd What Do You Mean By...Does your language empower or oppress? You might be surprised at how people interpret your words.shareskihttp://twitter.com/shareskihttp://twitter.com/
MikeLubelfeldwww.dps109supt.edublogs.orgDigital Leadership Day - August 15, 2014Connected educators need connected leaders to support their work! In my reflective post I share examples from my own leadership as I share pride in the work of members of my school district and community.mikelubelfeldhttp://twitter.com/mikelubelfeldhttp://twitter.com/
AnthonyKimwww.edfactors.comLearn to dance in ZPDUsing technology to personalize learning with blended learning models helps us improve each students learning tempo and allows us to maximize each student's time in the Zone of Proximal Development.anthonxhttp://twitter.com/anthonxhttp://twitter.com/
TimPresiadohttp://www.newtechnetwork.org/blog/new-face-professional-developmentThe New Face of Professional DevelopmentHow often do we think the best way to do something is one way, only to discover we were totally wrong! tpresiado http://twitter.com/tpresiado http://twitter.com/
IraSocolhttp://speedchange.blogspot.com/2014/08/leadership-in-education.htmlLeadership in Education?"Mostly I've learned that leadership is about listening and watching. It's surely not about talking and sending out directives. When leaders listen they enable conversations which have impact. When they don't listen, neither does anyone else."irasocolhttp://twitter.com/irasocolhttp://twitter.com/
Barnett Berryhttp://www.teachingquality.org/content/how-iowa-can-cheat-graveyard-failed-reformsHow Iowa can cheat the graveyard of failed reformsThe graveyard of failed education reforms is vast. Barnett Berry, Founder and CEO of the Center for Teaching Quality, discusses specific strategies that can help Iowa policymakers secure a successful future for a promising new teacher leadership initiative. BarnettCTQhttp://twitter.com/BarnettCTQhttp://twitter.com/
CherylRedfieldhttp://www.teachingquality.org/content/salt-watermelonSalt & WatermelonArizona teacher and CTQ Collaboratory member Cheryl Redfield shares some strategic partnerships teacher leaders can develop to create meaningful and lasting change in education. Like salt and watermelon, they just might be better...together.caredfieldhttp://twitter.com/caredfieldhttp://twitter.com/
ValeriaBrownhttp://www.teachingquality.org/content/starve-your-cowardly-lionStarve your Cowardly LionWhat makes a leader out of a teacher? CTQ Collaboratory member Valeria Brown says COURAGE.valeriabrowneduhttp://twitter.com/valeriabrowneduhttp://twitter.com/
PaulBarnwellhttp://www.teachingquality.org/content/administrators-and-principals-check-out-our-treehouseAdministrators and Principals: Check Out Our "Treehouse"Paul Barnwell, KY teacher and CTQ Collaboratory member, advocates for inviting administrators into the secret treehouse of teacher leadership.mindfulstewhttp://twitter.com/mindfulstewhttp://twitter.com/
BjornPaigehttp://bjornpaige.wordpress.com/2014/08/14/pln/#PLNDubious about that little blue bird at first, I've been won over on Twitter as a way to build a very real Professional Learning Network.BjornPaigehttp://twitter.com/BjornPaigehttp://twitter.com/
MarciaPowellhttp://gleaninglearning.blogspot.com/2014/08/beyond-digital-strip-malls.htmlBeyond Digital Strip MallsLet's think about how to transform lurking on networks into real community. marciarpowellhttp://twitter.com/marciarpowellhttp://twitter.com/
DougJohnsonhttp://doug-johnson.squarespace.com/blue-skunk-blog/2014/8/15/technology-in-adult-meetings.htmlTechnology in adult meetingsIf you want to be a technology leader, use, don't ban technology use in your staff meetings and PD!blueskunkbloghttp://twitter.com/blueskunkbloghttp://twitter.com/
BrianCrosbyhttp://learningismessy.com/blog/?p=1828Why should education leaders embrace digital technologies in their schools? Why should education leaders embrace digital technologies in their schools? The CCSS already require it. Collaboration, programming and design, Inventing/making, problem solving ... Will kids just pick all that up on their own?
KaseyBellhttp://www.shakeuplearning.com/blog/leadership-day-challenge-connect-curate-and-contribute#sthash.XaVZfG0D.JI0VGOkL.dpbsLeadership Day Challenge: Connect, Curate and ContributeOur number one goal as educators should always be our students, and finding ways to support, engage, improve and transform the learning experience. In this post, I have detailed three challenges for educational leaders: Connect with Other Educational Leaders, Curate Educational Resources and Contribute Original Content.ShakeUpLearninghttp://twitter.com/ShakeUpLearninghttp://twitter.com/
Curt Reeshttp://curtrees.com/2014/08/14/leadership-day-2014-leadershipday2014/Leadership Day 2014 #leadershipday2014If we continue to add modern technological devices to outdated educational practices, we find ourselves stuck between two worlds that only hinder the potential of growth for our students.curtreeshttp://twitter.com/curtreeshttp://twitter.com/
Amanda Dykes http://upsidedown.edublogs.org/2014/08/15/top-5-qualities-people-i-look-up-to-have-in-common-my-post-for-leadershipday14/Top 5 Qualities People I Look Up To Have In Common: My Post For #leadershipday14No matter what, there are people in our life we 'follow.' Those people we look at as leaders. Leaders I really look up to seem to have the same 5 qualities.amandacdykeshttp://twitter.com/amandacdykeshttp://twitter.com/
DavidBrittenhttp://rebel6.blogspot.com/2014/08/digital-leadership-requires-leading_15.htmlDigital Leadership Requires Leading from the FrontWhen it comes to technology integration, there's no room in 21st century schools for leaders who stand on the sidelines. It's time for all of us to lead from the front.colonelbhttp://twitter.com/colonelbhttp://twitter.com/
AlfredThompsonhttp://blog.acthompson.net/2014/08/learning-by-doing-works-for-adults-too.htmlLearning By Doing Works for Adults TooIf leaders want to teach students about social media or make policy about it they should know more than just what they read about it.AlfredTwohttp://twitter.com/AlfredTwohttp://twitter.com/
JoeBireshttp://edtechleadership.tumblr.com/post/94810242854/five-secrets-to-making-innovation-really-happen-inFive secrets to making innovation really happen in schoolsPeople need to be able to try things; to feel like they can fail, without feeling like a failure.
MattRichhttp://scientificartistry.blogspot.comDigital Leadership - Developing Capacities to Make A Difference for TodayLooking at how we can lead in order to make new and foreign technologies fit into our work flow and improve adult and student learning.mattrich0722http://twitter.com/mattrich0722http://twitter.com/
GregPearsonhttp://leaderinadigitalworld.blogspot.ca/2014/08/getting-comfortable-with-change-i-mean.html?m=1Getting Comfortable with Change, I mean TRANSITIONSStay out of the ruts and transition into the grooves. Modern leadership is about lifelong successful change. vptechnodorkhttp://twitter.com/vptechnodorkhttp://twitter.com/
Pam Moran http://spacesforlearning.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/why-are-we-here-leadershipday14/Why Are We Here? #leadershipday14At our Back to School Leadership gathering I asked the team in the district where I am superintendent one question, “why are we here?” A simple question, right? Some might say so. But I believe it’s the grand challenge to define ourselves as leaders the leaders we need to be in 2014. pammoranhttp://twitter.com/pammoranhttp://twitter.com/
DavidCulberhousehttp://wp.me/p25Uhu-1nL The Changing Face of Modern Leadership: The PrefaceFor too long, especially in the world of education, we have taken a linear approach to all that we do…DCulberhousehttp://twitter.com/DCulberhousehttp://twitter.com/
AdamWelcomeadamwelcome.blogspot.comWhat Are You Doing In Your OfficeYou're a Principal, what are you doing in your office all day?awelcomehttp://twitter.com/awelcomehttp://twitter.com/
BeckyFisherhttp://beckyfisher73.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/can-the-principle-of-least-privilege-apply-in-educational-technology/Can the Principle of Least Privilege Apply in Educational Technology?What does the "I" stand for in your school's "IT" department?beckyfisher73http://twitter.com/beckyfisher73http://twitter.com/
EricSheningerhttp://esheninger.blogspot.com/2014/08/our-work-defines-our-legacy.htmlOur Work Defines Our LegacyIn the digital age legacy is both created and defined for us by our use of social media to improve professional practice and transform schools.NMHS_Principalhttp://twitter.com/NMHS_Principalhttp://twitter.com/
JohnRobinsonhttp://the21stcenturyprincipal.blogspot.com/2014/08/3-principles-for-creating-culture-of.html3 Principles for Creating a Culture of Creativity to Unleash Technological InnovationToo often, school leaders focus on the technology instead of the people and the climate. True innovation with technology happens when there's a focus on the people who use it and the place they will use it.21stprincipalhttp://twitter.com/21stprincipalhttp://twitter.com/
LauraBlankenshiphttp://www.geekymomblog.com/2014/08/leading-in-the-digital-age/Leading in the Digital AgeAdministrators face many decisions in the digital age: what devices to buy, how to handle students who post stupid (or threatening) things online, how to get faculty on board for the new initiative. In this post, I address these issues and more.lblankenhttp://twitter.com/lblankenhttp://twitter.com/
BrianBullishttp://bbullis.edublogs.org/2014/08/15/leadership-day-2014-ride-the-technology-train-to-effectively-lead-technology-implementation/Ride the Technology Train to Effectively Lead Technology ImplementationOne of the best ways I have found to support the digital growth of our teachers and their application of technology in the classroom is to “walk the walk" ​and ride the learning train along with them. bbbullishttp://twitter.com/bbbullishttp://twitter.com/
GaryStagerhttp://stager.tv/blog/?p=3288You Don't Get to Call Yourself a School Reformer!garystagerhttp://twitter.com/garystagerhttp://twitter.com/
GaryStagerhttp://stager.tv/blog/?p=677Who Moved My Stalag?And while we're at it, What Color is Your P.O.W. Camp?garystagerhttp://twitter.com/garystagerhttp://twitter.com/
JeffreyHunthttp://wp.me/p4DffA-rLeadership Day 2014: Leadership CourageIt takes courage to say we are different and our kids will be behind if we copy what's going on in an neighboring institution.jeff_hunthttp://twitter.com/jeff_hunthttp://twitter.com/
SamBruzzesehttp://sbruzzese.org/blog/leadership-day-2014-creatin.htmlCreating Successful Technology InitiativesWhat should busy administrators be reading (or watching) that would help them be better technology leaders? What are some other resources that would help them be better technology leaders?sam_bruzzesehttp://twitter.com/sam_bruzzesehttp://twitter.com/
GaryStagerhttp://stager.tv/blog/?p=3290Learning is About SubtractionJust say no.garystagerhttp://twitter.com/garystagerhttp://twitter.com/
GaryStagerhttp://stager.tv/blog/?p=3292Leadership is Clarity, Consistency, and CoherenceDo not allow the weeds to kill the flowers!garystagerhttp://twitter.com/garystagerhttp://twitter.com/
StevenAndersonhttp://blog.web20classroom.org/2014/08/reminders-for-school-leaders.htmlReminders For School LeadersWhile the role of the school leader is a complex one there are some simple things all leaders need to remember. web20classroomhttp://twitter.com/web20classroomhttp://twitter.com/
GaryStagerhttp://stager.tv/blog/?p=3294There is No Such Thing as Digital LeadershipSorry Scott!

My BS enter just came back from the shop!
BethanyMagerhttp://crunchyteacher.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-most-dangerous-phrase.htmlThe Most Dangerous PhraseMany teachers not in a leadership role in their school have powerful ideas and I believe an effective administrator has the courage to harness powerful ideas of others. Crunchy_Teacherhttp://twitter.com/Crunchy_Teacherhttp://twitter.com/
MarkCrottyhttp://tokeepthingswhole.blogspot.com/2014/08/tech-and-empathy-post-for-tech.htmlTech and EmpathyA short piece on how the most basic elements of design thinking would serve technology leaders well.crottymarkhttp://twitter.com/crottymarkhttp://twitter.com/
GaryStagerhttp://stager.tv/blog/?p=3296Educational Leadership is Saying, :"Hell No!"When will you stand collectively between kids and the madness?garystagerhttp://twitter.com/garystagerhttp://twitter.com/
GaryStagerhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/gary-stager/wanna-be-a-school-reforme_b_765199.htmlWanna be a School Reformer? You Better do Your Homework!What leaders should have already read.garystagerhttp://twitter.com/garystagerhttp://twitter.com/
JillianLubowhttp://blog.teachboost.com/2014/08/leadership-day-2014-repost-the-ultimate-pd-for-school-leaders#.U-4UVYBdU5kLeadership Day 2014 repost: The Ultimate PD for School LeadersWalkthroughs are powerful, but not in the ways we've been led to expect -- done right, they provide school leaders the chance to become the "lead learners" in their organizations. But there's a problem with data-focused walkthroughs: they're a waste of time.teachboosthttp://twitter.com/teachboosthttp://twitter.com/
CherylRedfieldhttp://teachingquality.org/content/speak-languageSpeak the LanguageIt is not often we get a chance to learn a new language that will jumpstart student learning and achievement. But educators have a chance to do just that every day when we use our craftsmanship to deliver and facilitate classroom instruction.caredfieldhttp://twitter.com/caredfieldhttp://twitter.com/
JustinBathonhttp://bathon.org/blog/2014/8/15/the-rules-of-school-and-why-they-are-not-really-rulesThe "Rules" of School ... And Why They Are Not Really RulesDo you understand the power behind the "rules of school?" If you are thinking something akin to law, you might be wrong and it is probably limiting your ability to reform. edjuristhttp://twitter.com/edjuristhttp://twitter.com/
DavidJakeshttp://davidjakes.me/?p=144210X Thinking and LeadershipIn this post, I explore the concept of 10X Thinking as a foundation for true leadership, and I identify the qualities that represent 10X thinking, and their relationship to leading and establishing a culture capable of 10X change.djakeshttp://twitter.com/djakeshttp://twitter.com/
ToddNortonhttp://goo.gl/AGDE4DLabel all changes an experimentChange is hard, but what would happen if you labeled all changes as experiments that encouraged new ways of thinking?toddnortonhttp://twitter.com/toddnortonhttp://twitter.com/
TomVander Arkhttp://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/on_innovation/2014/08/leading_the_shift_to_digital_school_system_city.htmlLeading the Shift to Digital: School, System & CityThis shift to personal digital learning is inevitable; nearly all of our kids already live in the personal digital future. Combining organizational design, technology integration, and large-scale change management is challenging and complex, but it can be done.TvanderArkhttp://twitter.com/TvanderArkhttp://twitter.com/
SeanGraingerhttp://www.karegivers.org/2014/08/cur-educ-ation.htmlCur-educ-ationI know finding the 'good' stuff on the web can sometimes feel like trying to get a cup of water from Niagara Falls. This is why any tool that helps us filter web content efficiently is a good one. I continue learning how to curate web resources more effectively and efficiently. Everyone is different and will have their preferred sites, tools, apps and online resources in their personal online tool box, but I thought I would share three that have been most valuable to me.graingeredhttp://twitter.com/graingeredhttp://twitter.com/
JohnFilippihttp://shepardprincipalsoffice.edublogs.org/2014/08/15/leadershipday14/#leadershipday14Leadership for learning in the technology context - finding the reciprocal relationships between teachers, parents, students, and administrators.JohnFilippihttp://twitter.com/JohnFilippihttp://twitter.com/
Spike Cookhttp://drspikecook.com/2014/08/15/modeling-the-way-connecting-your-leadership-227365/Modeling the way: Connecting your leadershipBe the change you want to see in your school. drspikecook http://twitter.com/drspikecook http://twitter.com/
TonyBorashhttp://tborash.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/leadershipday14-a-leaders-guide-to-dan-pinks-drive/A Leader's Guide to Dan Pink's DriveThis post contains a "comic" of sorts intended to help leaders consider how they tap into the internal motivation of their staffs through Dan Pink's Drive principles of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.tborashhttp://twitter.com/tborashhttp://twitter.com/
EricSaibelhttp://principalsintraining.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/its-not-enough-to-be-a-visionary-leadershipday14/It's Not Enough To Be A VisionaryThe 21st Century will see the "Visionary" leader make way for the "Inclusionary" leader - someone who understands that bringing together divergent voices is a recipe for growth, innovation, and giving our students the education they deserve.ecsaibelhttp://twitter.com/ecsaibelhttp://twitter.com/
Sue Bruynshttp://bruynss.edublogs.org/2014/08/15/flat-army/Flat ArmyOpen source, open doors, open minds and open hearts will lead to an innovative, healthy organization. Are you a connected and engaged leader?sbruynshttp://twitter.com/sbruynshttp://twitter.com/
ChrisKennedyhttp://cultureofyes.ca/2014/08/15/some-things-i-have-learned-leadership-day-2014/Some Things I Have LearnedHere is a quick list of 10 things I have learned as a teacher, principal and superintendent about the digital shift in our schools. Chrkennedy http://twitter.com/Chrkennedy http://twitter.com/
KarenWhttps://iowaed.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/your-robocall-needs-work/Your Robocall Needs WorkA parent's plea to spend some time evaluating and improving your use of technology to communicate with us.iowa_edhttp://twitter.com/iowa_edhttp://twitter.com/
TaylorClementshttp://techlikeachampion.weebly.comWhat Teachers really need for Tech PDWhy traditional tech professional development is helping no one and what school admins should strive for. clements_taylorhttp://twitter.com/clements_taylorhttp://twitter.com/
JillMaraldohttp://bghslearningandinstruction.blogspot.com/2014/08/being-digital-leader.htmlBeing a Digital LeaderA challenge to administrators to band together and model the way of digital leadershipjmaraldohttp://twitter.com/jmaraldohttp://twitter.com/
NancyWhitehttp://d20innovation.d20blogs.org/2014/08/15/leadership-day-2014-a-call-to-innovate/Leadership Day 2014: A Call to InnovateEmpower your teachers to move beyond best practices to next practices!NancyWhttp://twitter.com/NancyWhttp://twitter.com/
GeorgeCouroshttp://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/4696What Digital AcceleratesThe components of leadership are something that will not change for years, but the opportunities we have to accelerate great things have changed because of the digital revolution. This is written about the impact "digital" can have on what we do as schools.gcouroshttp://twitter.com/gcouroshttp://twitter.com/
BradGustafsonhttp://adjustingcourse.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/leadership-for-today/Leadership for TodayJoin the Digital Leadership Challenge to provide the leadership our kids are counting on today! (A series of 33 mini-challenges designed by 11 connected educators creates a "choose-your-own-adventure" PD experience.)GustafsonBradhttp://twitter.com/GustafsonBradhttp://twitter.com/
RobinDubielhttp://robindubiel.wordpress.com/Technology, Leadership, and Differentiation: #LeadershipDay2014The first step from tech newbie to tech natural is taking the step. Purposefully. Even if it’s small. Your toe in the pond that is 21st century learning will cause a ripple that others will notice.RobinDubielhttp://twitter.com/RobinDubielhttp://twitter.com/
DivyaPahwahttps://medium.com/p/b5334841e941This old marketing tool will give you an explosive advantageHow can history and digital education collide? History is often taught in un-relatable and monotonous way. Here's an article that shows how to combine history and digital advances.nowinstoreapphttp://twitter.com/nowinstoreapphttp://twitter.com/
Reed Gillespiehttp://goo.gl/j7RP1RHow to Kill Technology Integration in Your School What's needed--and not needed--for successful technology integration in our schools. rggillespiehttp://twitter.com/rggillespiehttp://twitter.com/
ScottRoccohttp://evolvingeducators.wordpress.com/The Winds of Change Are HereThere are 3 key aspects to providing effective professional development in this changing educational world. ScottRRoccohttp://twitter.com/ScottRRoccohttp://twitter.com/
AmyRoedigerhttp://aleverandaplacetostand.blogspot.com/2014/08/this-is-gonna-be-our-finest-hour.htmlThis is Gonna Be Our Finest HourMy recommendation for school leaders is that they spend at least a day each year in the classroom modeling the work they hope their teachers will carry out this year.
ScottMcLeodhttp://dangerouslyirrelevant.org/2014/08/toward-better-technology-integration-introducing-trudacot.htmlToward better technology integration: Introducing trudacotIntroducing a new tool, trudacot, that we have been using to facilitate productive conversations with educators about technology-infused learning and teaching.mcleodhttp://twitter.com/mcleodhttp://twitter.com/
MikePaulhttp://pikemalltech.com/small-moves-key-digital-leadership/Small Moves: The Key to Digital LeadershipIf we really want to see greater adoption and usage of technology in schools, we must begin with not major shifts, but small moves.mikepaulhttp://twitter.com/mikepaulhttp://twitter.com/
JenniferKloczkohttp://sparkleonjen.blogspot.com/2014/08/leadershipday14.html#leadershipday14Some practical ideas you can use right now to become a digital leader in your schol. Connect, learn, and be inspired!jkloczkohttp://twitter.com/jkloczkohttp://twitter.com/
JaimeStacyhttp://bit.ly/1rxCkicBrushing Up On Some SAMRWith Chromebooks comug to our school division, I need to brush up on my SAMR, and figure out how I can model SAMR to my PLC!jaimestacyhttp://twitter.com/jaimestacyhttp://twitter.com/
Brian Schumhttp://connectivist.blogspot.com/2014/08/lead-21st-century-school-3-steps-to.htmlLead a 21st Century School: 3 Steps to Take Right NowA lot of talk about 21st century schools is focused on devices and apps. You could be buried in all the iPads and Chromebooks you could ever imagine but the culture at your school will not change until the philosophy of 21st century teaching, learning, AND leading is embraced. schumzhttp://twitter.com/schumzhttp://twitter.com/
JosieHolfordhttp://wp.me/p3FPEU-1SQThree Cheers for EdCampThe EdCamp model provides examples of the best of leadership digital and beyond. EdCamp - the antithesis of professional development death by Powerpoint. Edcamp - exercise the rule of two feet and let ideas fly: No hunting.JosieHolfordhttp://twitter.com/JosieHolfordhttp://twitter.com/
AmberTeamannhttp://wp.me/p3mu1A-mVQuick Ways to Model Digital LeadershipThere are a variety of ways to add some digital modeling in your admin world! Here are an easy few to get ya started!8amber8http://twitter.com/8amber8http://twitter.com/
ChristyMcGuirehttp://www.thrivingstem.com/2014/08/four-must-know-strategies-for.html?m=1Four must know strategies for implementing school technology from a millenial mom in the car lineFor us millenials and our children, life without technology would be foreign. And, we are taking over your PTA.
SheriEdwardshttp://whatelse.edublogs.org/2014/08/15/leadershipday14-leadership-be-the-compass/Leadership - Be the compasswhat it means to prepare students for the digital, global world in which we now live -- it's in the CCSSgrammasherihttp://twitter.com/grammasherihttp://twitter.com/
JackiePicketthttp://diaryofacraftyteacher.blogspot.com/2014/08/technology-and-leadership-challenge.htmlTechnology and Leadership, Challenge AcceptedThey have put technology in the hands of their teachers, which in turn put technology into our learners hands.jacques3514http://twitter.com/jacques3514http://twitter.com/
BillPrattwww.billpratt23.blogspot.comDigital LeadershipReading Eric Sheninger's book "Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times" has given me the spark to begin my career as a technology integration coach. After spending 19 years in education as a teacher, assistant principal, and principal, I am invigorated and ecstatic about helping teachers use technology to further education. I outline some of Eric's wisdom in my post.billpratt23http://twitter.com/billpratt23http://twitter.com/
JoshuaMarshhttp://techlikeachampion.weebly.com/blog/no-cell-phones-in-the-classroomNo Cell Phones in the Classroom?Should teachers use cell phones in the classroom? What happens if you engage students will cell phones on the first day?jjsmarshhttp://twitter.com/jjsmarshhttp://twitter.com/
LarryFliegelmanhttp://principalspov.blogspot.com/2014/08/leadership-day-2014-leadershipday14.htmlLeadership Day 2014A short summary of the birth and life of tech at my school.Fliegshttp://twitter.com/Fliegshttp://twitter.com/
TaylorSullivansullyscience.wordpress.com"Anoint Yourself Teacher Leader""Instead, I suspect that inspired and empowered teacher leaders would find more relevant and timely resources to share. The role of the administrator then becomes the 'disseminator' of the information and the platform to support teacher-led professional development."tdsull0518http://twitter.com/tdsull0518http://twitter.com/
SamanthaMcManushttp://samslitcafe.wordpress.com/2014/08/16/leadership-day-2014-leadershipday2014/Digital Integration and School LeadershipDigital integration requires a team effort. Administration teaming up with school librarians and other school leaders is a recipe for success.samslitcafehttp://twitter.com/samslitcafehttp://twitter.com/
ShannonPoulsenhttp://shannonpoulsen.edublogs.org/Leadership Day 2014 - Curiousity is the Key!What actions and behaviors drive effective leaders in the area of technology? What realistic steps can administrators take to move their school organizations forward and inspire teachers?shanpouslenhttp://twitter.com/shanpouslenhttp://twitter.com/
David Trusshttp://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/leading-in-a-time-of/Leading in a time of...It doesn’t matter what you fill in the blank with, the fact is that leadership roles keep you busy doing things you would rather not do, and wanting more time to do the things you wish you really wanted to do.datrusshttp://twitter.com/datrusshttp://twitter.com/
Dave Meisterhttp://davemeister.net/2014/08/15/learn-reflect-communicate-lead-leadershipday2014/Learn, Reflect, Communicate, LeadAn experienced administrator shares success and failure to demonstrate key components of leading in today's school.DaveMeister_http://twitter.com/DaveMeister_http://twitter.com/
ChrisSenbertrand-Mcleanhttp://senbertrand.edublogs.org/2014/08/16/leadership-day-2014/Leadership Day Our charge as educators is simple – educate students to prepare them to be career-, college- and life-ready.Senbertrandhttp://twitter.com/Senbertrandhttp://twitter.com/
ChrisLehmannhttp://practicaltheory.org/blog/2014/08/16/leaders-stand-up/Leaders Stand UpLeadership is hard. But to be a leader means being willing to do what is hard.chrislehmannhttp://twitter.com/chrislehmannhttp://twitter.com/
ShellyTerrellhttp://teacherrebootcamp.com/2014/08/15/leadershipday14/The Conversation We Need To Have With LeadershipThe one conversation that could save teachers hours of boredom, stress, and wasted timeshellterrellhttp://twitter.com/shellterrellhttp://twitter.com/