GEOSS Resources Providers Yellow Pages
Please fill this form in order to initiate the registration process of your resources within GEOSS (Version: 27.02.2017)
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Provider name *
Please specify your acronym
Short description *
Summary of provider objectives and goals
URL of the website institution
Geographical coverage to the organization *
Choose as many as you like
If you have selected "National" and/or "Regional" in the previous question, please give the names of countries and/or regions
GEO affiliation *
What is the name of the Official Focal point? *
What is the email of the Official Focal point? *
What is the name of the Technical focal point? *
What is the email of the Technical focal point? *
Type of online resource? *
Type of Knowledge Body
If your online resource is a Knowledge Body, which type is it?
Data accessibility *
Is your data accessible?
Data policy *
The GEOSS Data Collection of Open Resources for Everyone (Data Core) is a distributed pool of documented datasets with full and open unrestricted access at no more than the cost of reproduction and distribution. More information:
GEOSS Data Management Principles label
This is a self-assessment done by the data provider
Relevant SBA
Relevant SDG
Please choose one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Other initiative
Service endpoint *
Organization Logo URL *
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