LISA 2012 Lightning Talks
Session; Thursday, December 13, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

** signups close the evening of Wednesday, December 12th **

Lightning talks are fast-paced and high-energy. These are back-to-back 5-minute presentations -- without multimedia, no slides, no movies, no audio, just you and the count-down clock -- on just about anything. Talk about a recent success, energize people about a pressing issue, ask a question, start a conversation! Lightning talks are an opportunity to get up and talk about what’s on your mind.

You can give several lightning talks if you have more than one topic.   If we run out of time the lightning talks coordinator reserves the right to select speakers.  The speaker list will be posted just before the session starts.
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Who are you? *
I need this so I can pick you out in the crowd. Please give your real name so others have a chance to recognize you too.
What is your topic? *
What will you be speaking on?  You don't have to say a lot, just give me a general idea of what you're planning.
Email address *
This is how I'll contact you to let you know you've been selected. It won't be shared.
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