Holiday Fun Fest Registration Form
Thank you for registering for the Holiday Fun Fest!! It's going to be a great time with may activities. Please note entry fees for Poker or the kid's games can be purchased when you arrive.
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
School or Organization *
School or Organization *
Which events would you like to attend?
We have 3 teamed events: Deaf Trivia, Volleyball and Tug of War!! Get your group together and challenge other teams!! Or come solo and be put on a team! These events are open to all. Discounts are given to groups.
Which events will you join?
Names of participants (for groups of 6).
How did you learn about this event?
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Your registration is almost complete.
To complete the registration process, please submit payment to PayPal.  Click link below to go directly to PayPal and enter for email address.
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