Inquiry Form: Short-Term Mission and Global Awareness Trips
Franciscan Mission Service's Short-Term Mission and Global Awareness trips are 1-2 week opportunities for groups to deepen their understanding of structural poverty, social justice issues, cultural awareness, and the Franciscan charism. Trip participants will spend time in service, reflection, and prayer. Please fill out the interest form below and a staff member will get in touch with you shortly.
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Name *
E-Mail *
Date of Birth *
Which site are you interested in? *
What is the name of the group, school, or organization? *
Please also provide the contact information for the trip point person, if other than yourself.
What is the estimated group size for the trip? *
Groups for DC trips are typically 8-16 participants in size. International groups vary in size.
Are you looking for specific trip dates? *
If yes, please list them.
How did you hear about Franciscan Mission Service's Short-Term Mission and Global Awareness Trips? *
Other questions or comments
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