Education and citizen engagement models
Thank you for your willingness to share your experience in education and citizen engagement models and to contribute to the work of other heritage organizations across Europe!

This template aims to guide you when describing your method and providing background information on your work. We are also welcoming contributions by researchers or experts reporting on the cases they have analysed/researched (in this case, terms like “your organisation” or “your work” relate to the organisation you have been studying).

Here, we are looking for successful models and methods for citizen engagement and education implemented by heritage civil society organisations (CSOs)s – your approach to stimulating the participation of volunteers, activists, the young, diverse marginalized groups and other social groups in the work that you do. These could be innovative ways of educating young people in the value, narratives and meaning of the heritage you are dealing with; of teaching conservation and heritage maintenance skills and methods to amateurs; crowdsourcing memories, narratives and objects; co-producing heritage content with diverse groups of citizens; using digital media and virtual platforms for educating and encouraging engagement in heritage; etc.

When writing details about the method try to imagine that a practitioner from another CSO wants to read this and learn from your experience – go beyond data and description and delve into specific methods, tips and advice and also think about possible ways of adapting your method.

We will analyse all of the contributions we receive during April and May 2017 and make a final selection of case studies which represent a range of methods and contexts. We will inform the representatives of each selected application and carry out further interviews with these organisations if needed.

The following is a set of questions related to your work. They are formatted to help you structure your response in a way that is best suited for sharing.
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Brief summary: Please, describe the model/method you want to share in 150 words.
Name and contact details of organisation: Please, provide the name and basic contact details (email, website, Facebook account and similar) which can be used to contact you for further inquiry (in case you are a researcher or external expert, please provide your contacts and affiliations as well).
Profile of the organization: Please describe your organisation in more detail. When, where and why were you founded? What is your mission - what are the topics you are dealing with and what do you want to achieve? What is the approximate budget of your organisation? How many employees, active members and volunteers support your work?
The socio-political context of your work: Please tell us more about the context in which you work. From your perspective, what are the main specificities of the place/community/society in which you work? What are the main challenges and problems faced by the heritage sector? What are the context-related challenges for CSOs related to the education and engagement of citizens (especially the youth) in heritage?
Description of your best practice/model/method: Please describe in detail your method or model for engaging citizens. Who was(were) your primary target group(s)? What were the key activities that were undertaken? What was the initial response from participants and how did it change over time? What was the biggest success of the programme/activity? Why do you think it worked? Who played the most important role in its success? What were the key obstacles and how were they overcome? What are the key lessons you have learned from that experience?
Lessons learned and advice for its use, adaptation and further improvement: What would be your advice for organisations that want to apply your method in their work? Also, is there something you learned along the way or something that you would do differently if you were to apply this method in the future? How do you think this method-practice could be improved?
Links to relevant resources and further information: Please, if available, provide links to websites, publications and other materials that could further support learning of heritage CSOs on this topic.
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