NHS Community Service Log
Hello National Honors Society Students,

Thank you for your service to your school and local communities.  

Please detail and log your community service below.

The requirement is 10 hours per semester, a minimum of 4 hours at East Side directly

Also, keep a personal record (perhaps in an email to yourself) of you community service hours as a back-up.


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Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your East Side email *
Your Advisor *
Name of Community Service *
Date Completed *
Number of hours completed on that date *
enter # of hours as a NUMBER - examples:  1 hour should be entered as " 1" ,  2 hrs and 45 min is " 2.75 ",  90 min is " 1.5 "
Description of service *
Any additional notes on service
Name of Adult Contact for That Community Service *
Their email address, cell phone, or other contact information *
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