Getting to Know You
This course works in conjunction with the Getting to Know You website, where you will gain information and then use this site to follow up with quiz questions and written responses.
This unit of work will be assessed to see what your understanding of the website topics are.
Go to this link to revise or read.

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Left/Right Brain *
The left/right brain theory assumes that each person is more left or right brained along a continuum.   What do you think of your score? Do you agree with this theory? How does this knowledge impact on your learning?
When we are talking about the frustration dip we are referring to: *
 Celebrate the Dip.  Big goals aren’t handed to you. You have to earn them. If it is anything worth doing, you will hit a dip. You will want to give up, you will question yourself. You will feel uncomfortable. You will want to fling yourself back into your comfort zone, but you won’t. Live for the dip. You will push through it. You’ll emerge stronger on the other side.  Dragon slayed. Finish line in sight. Big dream conquered.
The Frustration Dip
Give a personal example of a time when you have hit the wall and had to push through it to learn a new skill. How did you feel when you finally succeeded.
Explain in your own words why it is important to push through when you are having difficulties learning something new. *
Why is it important that we all challenge ourselves in our learning.
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