Every other week, when there are reading assignments (the reading assignments are numbered on the schedule page), you will participate in blogging or reviewing. You must explain and connect ALL the assigned readings. You must demonstrate a detailed understanding of the reading sets through blogging, reviewing, and class participation.

Among the goals for this assignment are for you to develop skills in reading research papers, writing them, and reviewing them.

Every other week, expect to either write or review a blog post. When you are writing, the post is due at 8pm the day before class (no exceptions). This is necessary so your post can be reviewed. When you are reviewing, you must submit by 8pm the day of class.

One fourth the class will be in the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow groups. Within these, for each reading assignment, one group will blog and another will review. When you are blogging (¼ of the time), your will write a Reading Reflections blog entry for each reading. When you are reviewing (¼ of the time), you will be assigned (anonymously) a blogger to review for that class. You will review that person's current blog post. Your blog posts and reviews constitute an opportunity to develop critical thinking, comprehension, and synthesis skills, regarding relevant HCC literature. These active reading skills are valuable for success not just in this course, but, more generally, in graduate school and throughout your career.

Reading Reflections Blog Posts

Each reading reflections blog post will be peer-reviewed, on a scale of 1-5, based on the following criteria:

Reviewing (not for 422)

Reviewing is an important skill for researchers. Evaluating others' writing helps you understand how to write, yourself. Good reviewing balances generosity and criticality. Ken Hinckley's piece about how to write reviews for ACM CHI is here. My own Guide to Empathetic Reviewing is here.

Each review consists of (1) four ratings (1-5), one for each of the above criteria; (2) one paragraph that summarizes the blog post, addressing the criteria specified above; (3) one+paragraph that provides feedback on the post, addressing the criteria specified above. The more specific you are in critiques, the better.

MAKE SURE your summary and critique paragraphs are substantial.

If you go to review a blog post, after its deadline, and the post has not been submitted, you must indicate this in the review form, and then, instead review the paper itself.

Your review form is here.

Blogging - How to Publish

Use substack to host your blog posts. For each blog entry, you will make a reading reflections post.

To get started on substack:

Deadlines and Credit

To receive credit, you must submit each reading reflections blog post by 6 pm, the night before the class in which the readings are discussed. Late blog posts may not be accepted or graded with a penalty.

Reviews are due by 8 pm, the day of class. Reviews received in the subsequent 48 hours will be accepted only twice in the course of the semester, but may be graded with a penalty.