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Changemaker's Check-up, from Domain7
Are you looking to deeply engage your community in co-creation activities, but aren't sure where to start? This guided walkthrough helps you check in with yourself about what's possible, to explore the help you might need.
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Who is the community I'm serving?
What is the future I'm envisioning for them?
What future does your audience envision for themselves?
What existing realities (stresses, pressures, joys) are presently affecting this community?
How do you suppose they would respond to an invitation into a conversation about their future?
To what degree will you be able to realistically involve them?
What type of ongoing commitment or involvement do you yourself have in this community?
What is your own role in the community?
What are the main things you're trying to accomplish?
How much time do you think would be available?
What formats might be available for you to use with this community?
What first-hand experience do you have with the following techniques and methods?
I've participated
I've designed
I've led
World Cafe
Experience Mapping
Online engagement tools, like surveys
1:1 Interviews
Focus group interviews
Affinity diagramming
Creating personas
Creating a strategy brief (research summary)
Creating an empathy map
Conducting independent research (history, competition, etc)
Leading a "metaphors through nature" session
Field study/ethnography
Design studio/Charette/Design sprint
Pro-Action Cafe
Open Space Forum
Circle Practice / The Circle Way
Appreciative Inquiry rounds
Ideation sessions
Prototyping/sketching sessions
Pitch/demo sessions
What are you missing to move this further? (What information or helpers could make things easier for you?)
Who can you invite alongside you to co-create this plan?
Are you interested in a follow-up call to explore ways to design a healthy co-creation process?
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Your name (optional, for follow-up)
Your email address (optional, for follow-up)
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