Bullock Museum Family Focus Groups
Bullock Texas State History Museum http://www.thestoryoftexas.com/ 
1800 N. Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701

The Bullock Texas State History Museum is excited to announce that we have received a three year grant that will allow us to significantly expand our programs for families. We are asking Austin families to participate in focus groups to help inform us as to how the museum can better serve families, especially those with school-aged children. After listening to families we will work to improve existing family programs and develop new programs that will engage Austin families and encourage them to visit the museum. We would appreciate your participation in one of our upcoming focus groups.  

Here’s what you can expect at a focus group:

Children and their caregivers will come to one session that should last no more than two hours.
Both adults and children will provide feedback appropriate for their age.
Everyone gets a snack or a meal (depending on the time of day).
We want to hear the good and the bad. Come prepared to be honest and open—that’s the only way we can improve our programs.
Which focus group date can you attend? *
Please list the main contact for your family and email or phone number. *
Please list the names of people attending and include familial relationships. *
We will provide food at each focus group. Please list any dietary restrictions.
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