Survey on School Belonging
Dear Students,

You have been selected to participate in this Survey to help teachers understand how you feel about David Douglas High School, and to learn about your involvement in NovaNet Online program work. The result of this survey will help teachers better meet your needs.

Instructions for completing the survey:
1. DO NOT write your name on the questionnaire.
2. This is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers. We ask only that you be honest.
3. Answer all the questions.
4. Work quickly so that you can finish.
5. Please, mark only one answer for each question, unless otherwise directed.

Thank you very much for your participation.

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I am a ...
I - Background
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My student number is:
My current grade level is...
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My ethnicity/race
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My grade point average (GPA) at the moment is...
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At school, my lunch is...
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The most educated adult in my household
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I feel like I am a part of the DDHS community:
II. Sense of School Belonging
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People at DDHS notice when I’m good at something
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I don’t feel accepted here.
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Other students at this school take my opinions seriously.
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Most teachers at DDHS are interested in me.
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Sometimes I feel as if I don’t belong here.
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There’s at least one teacher or other adult at DDHS I can talk to if I have a problem.
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People at this school are friendly to me.
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Teachers at DDHS are not interested in me.
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I am included in lots of activities at DDHS.
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I am treated with as much respect as other students.
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I feel very different from most other students here.
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I can really be myself at this school.
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Teachers at DDHS respect me.
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People here know I can do good work.
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I wish I were in a different school.
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I am glad to be a student at DDHS.
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Other students here like me the way I am.
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This school year, I am (was) involved in the following sports:
Extra-Curricular Activity Participation
This school year, I am (was) involved in the following activities:
This school year, I am (was) involved in the following clubs:
How much time do you (did you) spend on DDHS sports, activities and/or clubs this year?
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Why do you participate or not participate in extracurricular activities (activities outside the classroom such as sports and clubs) at DDHS?  Read each statement and mark whether they are TRUE or NOT TRUE for you.
I know what to do to get involved in an activity at DDHS.
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Teachers at DDHS encourage me to get involved in sports and clubs.
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I feel safe to participate in DDHS extracurricular activities.
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My parents/caregivers encourage me to get involved in activities at DDHS.
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My parents come to school activities and events.
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I don’t participate in school activities because they are expensive.
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I don’t participate in school activities because my English isn’t good enough.
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I don’t participate in school activities because I don’t feel comfortable and/or accepted by the other American students.
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I don’t know how to get involved in school activities.
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I’m not involved in school activities because I have to work after school.
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I’m not involved in school activities because my parents don’t want me to get involved.
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It is not important to me to get involved in school activities.
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There aren’t any extracurricular activities at DDHS that interest me.
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I’m not involved in any school activities because I am already involved in other activities in my community (church, community programs, etc.)
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It is more important to spend time with my family and friends outside of DDHS than to participate in school activities.
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Anything you want us to know?
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