Students performance in class
This is a 20-item multiple choice questionnaire for students of King Abdulaziz University. Researching the variables that affects the students performance in classes, each question is discussing an important point, please give us your own opinion in each question, it should only take few minutes.
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1-Do you think it’s challenging to maintain your concentration over one hour class period? *
2-Have you ever had a class extended to 2 hours or more? *
3-Do you think these types of classes are effective? *
4-Do you think you can maintain concentration in these types of classes? *
5-What do you think the ideal length of class should be? *
6-Have you ever had a bad relationship with your teacher? *
If your answer is No, skip question 7
7-Do you think you can learn from him, even though you’re not comfortable in his class?
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8- Have you ever felt that the class has too many students? *
9-How often does this happen?
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10-Do you think the number of students can affect the quality of learning/concentration in class? *
11-Have you ever wanted to ask the teacher a question, but you couldn’t because of the number of students? *
12-What do you think the ideal number of students in class is? *
13-Do you think you concentrate best at the: *
14-How would you rate the facilities in King Abdulaziz University? *
Facilities= Smart technology, Smart boards, Computers, Data shows, Studying tools...etc
15-Have you ever felt too cold or too hot in a class? *
If no Skip Question 16
16-How often does this happen?
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17-Do you think being uncomfortable with the class temperature affects your class performance? *
18- How would you rate your attendance? *
19- Have you ever received a DN in a course? *
If your answer was Yes, how many times?
20-Do you think your concentration in class is mostly affected by? *
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