Dance Labs Community Information Form
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this form!  We appreciate your support.

Our mission is for everyone to experience the freedom, love, and joy of dance.
If you're new to Dance Labs, you may skim a preview of our new homepage:

This survey is designed to get to know you better and how we can best stay connected.
Please make sure you have 10-15 minutes (the survey can take as little as 5 min.)
Your responses are kept private and reviewed by our volunteer community for follow up.
(Important: do *not* use your browser's back button. Use the "Back" button at the bottom of form)

Ok, let's get started!
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Your full name *
If you'd rather not be fully identified, please give at least your first name
How did you first hear about Dance Labs? *
Have you participated in one of our workshops or programs? *
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