Coffee Rush Employment Application
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Name: *
Please enter your name in the following format:  First Name then Last Name
Address: *
Phone Number: *
Are you eligible to work in the U.S.A.? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? *
Date of Birth: *
How many hours per week do you wish to work? *
What are your expected hourly earnings (including tips)? *
Are you attending college?  If so, what is your Major? *
What school do you attend? *
Select the shifts that you will be able to work: *
Select what days of the week you're available to work: *
Are you flexible to cover shifts when needed? *
Why do you want to work at Coffee Rush? *
Take this moment to express why you want to join our team
Do you have a reliable form of transportation? *
Employment history
Company name where you worked previously: *
Position and Duties: *
Manager's name and phone number: *
Dates of Employment: *
List the start date and the end date in this format:  MM/YY-MM/YY
Company name where you worked previously: *
Position and Duties: *
Manager's name and phone number *
Dates of Employment: *
List starting date and last date in this format. MM/YY- MM/YY
Company name where you worked previously:
Manager's name and phone number:
Position and Duties:
Dates of Employment:
List the starting date and the end date in this format.  MM/YY-MM/YY
Company name where you worked previously:
Manager's name and phone number:
Position and Duties:
Dates of Employment:
List the starting date and the end date in this format.  MM/YY-MM/YY
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