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MathCounts Registration
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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Sashabaw Middle School Team Member  - indicate grade level.
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Clarkston Junior High Team Member - indicate grade level.
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Parent contact - name
Parent contact - email address *
Student email address
School Club fee is $50 which covers all clubs a child participates in for the school year. Payment can be dropped off in the office in an envelope labeled: MathCounts - Mr. Andress.  For 6th & 7th graders - checks payable to Sashabaw Middle School.  For 8th & 9th graders - checks payable to Clarkston Junior High.                                         Note: There is a $25 fee for returned checks, (NSF).
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If you submitted payment for another club, please include club name here.
Parents: Please provide any information you think we may need to know about your child, such as allergies, medical alerts, etc.
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