Social Media Breakfast of Houston              2016 Gift of Guidance Program
We are excited to invite qualified 501c3 organizations in Houston to apply for the 6th annual Gift of Guidance program with the Social Media Breakfast in Houston (SMBHOU). The 10 nonprofits chosen each year say the experience helped them to be more successful in social media.

During the program, representatives of qualifying non-profit organizations are matched with SMBHOU members who offer their pro bono advice during this December meeting to develop a mini social media plan over breakfast. The talented SMBHOU members spend one hour consulting with a nonprofit organization representative to fine-tune social media approaches, tools and techniques.

This working breakfast allows SMBHOU members to give back to the community by sharing a special gift that only they can give – their expertise. You can watch the video below to get a feel for the event.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Tuesday November 15th, 2016 (Midnight)
DATE OF EVENT: Friday December 9, 2016, Canopy on Montrose

Our volunteer judges will choose ten (10) nonprofits to participate based on your answers to this form for this one-of a kind event. Your entry is judged on the completeness of your answers and likelihood that this forum would help move you forward in your social media strategy.

You are also invited to attend the free Social Media Breakfast events, which are held at Canopy restaurant the second Friday of every month at 8:30am. You can learn more about SMBHOU on our Facebook page:

Watch the video, then hit NEXT to get started with the application.
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