Internet Safety & Security Quiz
Please Enter Your Name and Class.  Complete all questions to the best of your ability.  Good Luck - Mr. S
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Student Name *
Your Full Name Please...
Student Number *
Your Collegium Charter School ID Number
List as many topics from the Internet Safety & Security Presentation as you can: *
What did we talk about?  What were four of the six MAIN topics?
What is Cyberbullying? *
Describe what signs to look for to identify it.
Steps to take to report Cyberbullying *
List and describe the steps you should take, in no particular order, to help end, avoid or report cyberbullying
Explain what you learned from the FBI SOS Program: *
Be Specific!  List the tasks you were required to do and explain 1-2 things from each task:
Describe the Grooming Process *
In as much detail as possible, list the steps and what actions identify with each step.
Describe what Digital Citizenship is: *
Describe, in detail (full sentences), what new information you got from the entire Internet Safety and Security Unit: *
4-5 Complete Sentences Minimum
How will you protect yourself in the future with what you learned in this unit? *
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