Anime Club Nominations
The responsibilities of the positions, as per our new constitution:

The President shall:
Preside over all events and meetings of the Anime Club;
Be the official representative of the Anime Club in all student, faculty, and administrative matters;
Call and sanction events and meetings of the Anime Club and Executive Board;
Form committees and appoint their respective chairs; and
Delegate duties to other members of the Executive Board when necessary.

The Vice President shall:
Assume all responsibilities of the President in the absence thereof;
Manage the inventory of the Anime Club and coordinate storage of club assets;
Assist in the day-to-day operations, events, and meetings  of the Anime Club; and
Delegate duties to other members of the Executive Board when necessary.

The Treasurer shall:
Maintain the records of all financial matters of the Anime Club;
Carry out all financial activity of the Anime Club;
Prepare a budget to submit to the Executive Board when requested; and
Delegate duties to other members of the Executive Board when necessary.

The Secretary shall:
Carry out all correspondence of the Anime Club, including a newsletter to disseminate to the general body at least once per month;
Advertise events and meetings to the general Stevens community;
Maintain a group messaging system for use by the general body;
Record, store, and distribute the minutes of all meetings and business discussed at meetings;
Generate an agenda for meetings, if deemed necessary by the Executive Board; and
Delegate duties to other members of the Executive Board when necessary.

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Name of Nominee *
Can be yourself or another person
Executive Board Positions *
Position(s) you would like to nominate the person for
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