State of the Web Nation 2016 Survey
Thanks for participating in the second edition of the Canadian State of the Web Nation survey! There are 34 multiple choice questions, which should take you less than ten minutes to answer.

Please don’t worry about knowing answers precisely – just take your best shot. If you simply don’t know an answer, just check off the ‘I don’t know’ box and move on to the next question. Please check only one box per question. Thanks – and have fun!

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Andi Argast at

The 2016 State of the Web Nation survey is brought to you by Framework, Good Works, CanadaHelps and Frontstream.

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Have you ever seen a website strategy document that your organization has created? This document would address questions like why you have a website, who you’re trying to reach, what you want to say, and what you want visitors to do once they’ve come to your website?       *
Would you say that your organization’s leadership views your website as the primary way in which people first get an impression of your organization? *
Which of the following statements would you say best reflects the manner in which your website was designed and filled with content? *
When was the last time you visited your organization’s website? *
How well would you say that your website uses storytelling to get your most important messages across? *
How well would you say that your website communicates using clear, simple language? *
Does your website have a specific section, or pages, devoted to fundraising? *
Within your organization, who would you say has primary control over your website’s content? *
How would you say that you organized your website’s navigation? *
On average, how frequently would you say that your organization’s website is updated with new content? *
How easily can the content on your website be updated? *
Do you know what kind of content management system (CMS) powers your organization’s website? *
Does someone in the fundraising department receive regular reports on your organization’s website performance? (May include data like website traffic, donation conversion rate, referral traffic, etc) *
Do you undertake any search engine optimization (SEO) work to increase traffic to your website? *
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