Request for a Quote
CAD Focus Sdn Bhd is an Authorized ZWCAD Malaysia Partner / Distributor in Malaysia since 2009.

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Can you please specify what type of customer you are to Cad Focus? 
Full Company Name *
Note : Full Name is required including "Sdn Bhd / Bhd"
Industry *
Name *
Contact Number *
Hand phone number or office number
Company Email Address *
The quotation will email to the address provided.
Which product you would like to receive a quote for?
Would you mind specifying if your company's CAD functions more onto 2D or 3D?
What type of CAD software your company currenly using? *
How many of units of this product do you require? *
What is the timing to decide of any plan to purchase?
Would you like to receive a follow-up email or phone call regarding this request for a quote?
How did you hear about our company?  *
Would you like to arrange for an On-Site or Online Demo product briefing regarding this request for a quote?  *
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