Color Run 8/25
Hey there beauties

The NYC Color Run is nothing we've ever done before. Seriously, it's the craziest thing in the world.
It's a walk, but it's not sponsoring or raising money or anything
People set this thing up for pure unadulterated fun. I love society.

The color run is a 3 mile (equivalent to 5K) course for people of ages and athleticism. Throughout this course people are throwing colorful powders at you (Don't worry, the powder is non-toxic, edible but not recommended, and completely natural). At each Kilometer people throw different colors at you~

Here's the website for more information because the pure awesomeness of the event cannot be described in words

Now here are your options
Do you want to be the one throwing powder at people?

Sorry walking closed a week after it opened because people REALLY wanted to go :(
SORRY!!! and it would have costed $30 some dollars so I doubt you wanted to do that

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