5/29/15 BookExpo America

BookExpo America (BEA) is the #1, leading book and author event for the North American publishing industry. It’s the best place to discover new titles and authors, network, and learn the latest trends during the BEA Content & Digital Conference. BEA offers three event-packed days, 600+ authors, hundreds of new titles, hundreds of exhibitors, four Author Stages, and access to the latest digital technologies at the Digital Discovery Zone (D2Z) brought to you by IDPF. BEA combines the largest selection of English language titles and is the largest gathering of booksellers, librarians, retailers, and book industry professionals in North America. Volunteers will help receive donated books from publishers and authors as well as networking as Housing Works Ambassadors (the organization that Key Club helped at Design On A Dime).


Time: 4:00-8:00 PM
Where: Javits Center, 655 34th Street
Website: http://www.bookexpoamerica.com/ (Check out all the awesome things that will be happening at the event)

This is a really great, once-in-a-lifetime event and opportunity - you definitely won't regret going, especially if you're a book-lover! (cough Yingchao cough)
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Feel free to email at miaom@bxscience.edu. :) (Just don't blow up my inbox with spam)

Mona Miao
'14-'15 Projects Co-Chair

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The first public library in America was opened in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1698.
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J. J. Audubon’s The Birds of America, published in 1840, is the most valuable book in the world. It sold for $8,802,500 in March 2000—the highest price ever paid for a book.
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Dr. Seuss wrote "Green Eggs and Ham" after his editor dared him to write a book using fewer than 50 different words.
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Sherlock Holmes never said 'Elementary, my dear Watson.'
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The original story from Tales of 1001 Arabian Nights begins, 'Aladdin was a little Chinese boy.'
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