CE Agreement Form_2012-2013
Students: you MUST discuss your CE choice with your Advisor before you fill out this form. They need to know what you are signing up for.
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Your Last Name *
Your first name *
NVHS Advisor's Name *
What is your Mentor's First and Last Name? *
What is the Business/Org Name? *
What is the Business Address? *
We need the Number, street, city, state, and zip code PLEASE!
What is the Business Phone # ? *
What is the email address of your mentor? *
What is the expected day of this CE? *
Wednesday is preferred but any other day that you and the mentor agree to are fine as long as it does not interfere with your school schedule.
What are the expected hours of this CE? *
The length of time should be between 2- 4 hours per week. You will earn credit for the hours your complete. Min of 6 hrs/qtr. Max of 60 hrs/qtr.
Provide a brief description of your goals, specific tasks and expectations at this Community Experience placement.   *
You may write sentences or create a bulleted list of responsibilities (together with your mentor).
Are you also registered for a WORKSHOP during this quarter? *
If you are registered for a WORKSHOP and want to be dropped from it, you must speak with Cheryl personally to make this happen.   *
Acknowledge this below and check ALL that apply.
Thank you for taking the time to carefully fill this out.  Student, please submit this to Cheryl McBay by the due date.  We will send along further information about on-site injury, attendance, grading, problem solving, etc. to the Community Mentor. *
Please check the box to acknowledge that you read this statement.
CE Evaluations will be sent to the Community Mentor, one week before the end of each quarter.  Mentors should email the evaluation to students AND to Cheryl McBay by the end of the quarter. This will allow us to give credit in a timely fashion. *
Please check the box to acknowledge that you read this statement.
Students must keep track of their hours *
Cheryl has time sheets to record your hours or you may use your phone or other planner.
Grading is Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory and you will receive credit based on the # of hours that you complete. *
15 hours=0.25 credit         30 hours=0.5 credit.  Your goal should be 30 hours per quarter.
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