Balticon 50 Program Ideas Questionnaire
Ideas for Program Activities for Balticon 50
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Ideas for Program Activities / Comments or Questions
Some of the best programming every year at Balticon is suggested by our guests and members. What panels and events would you like to to see offered to Balticon member? You can use this survey to submit ideas for up to 3 Panel Discusssions, 2 Presentations, 2 Workshops and 2 "Other" items.

Alternatively, you can write your ideas up and sent them by email to There is also an html program ideas submission form you can use at

If there is anything else you want to tell us, please send an email to
Who Are You and How Do We Reach You?
Your Name *
Please enter your name so that we know who we're talking to if we need clarification about your suggestions.
Email Address *
Please provide an email address that you will check regularly between now and Balticon 50. We will not provide this address to anyone not on our program staff. We may need to contact you if we have questions about your program ideas.
Pre-Con Phone Number *
Please provide a phone number we will be able to use to reach you before the convention fi we need to discuss your program ideas with you.
Panel Discussion Ideas
A Panel Discussion has a Moderator and 3 to 4 panelists discussing a topic. Discussion Panel moderators frequently allot time for questions or other input from the audience.
Panel Discussion Idea 1
What Title would you suggest for this panel?
Panel 1 Description
Enter a brief description that could be used in the Pocket Program.
Moderator 1
Do you wish to moderate this panel? You should be willing to do a little preparation. A moderator should be knowledgeable about the topic, but not expert. We want experts to be panelists!
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Panel 1 Track
What program track that might be a good fit for Panel Discussion idea 1? Choose from the drop-down list.
Panel 1 Additional
What other information would you like to communicate about this idea?
Panel Discussion Idea 2
What Title would you suggest for this panel?
Panel 2 Description
Enter a brief description that could be used in the Pocket Program.
Moderator 2
Are you willing to moderate this panel? You should be willing to do a little preparation. A moderator should be knowledgeable about the topic, but not expert. We want experts to be panelists!
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Track 2
What program track that might be a good fit for Panel Discussion idea 1? Choose from the drop-down list.
Panel 2 Additional
What other information would you like to communicate about this idea?
Panel Discussion Idea 3
What Title would you suggest for this panel?
Panel 3 Description
Enter a brief description that could be used in the Pocket Program.
Moderator 3
Are you willing to moderate this panel? You should be willing to do a little preparation. A moderator should be knowledgeable about the topic, but not expert. We want experts to be panelists!
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Track 3
What program track that might be a good fit for Panel Discussion idea 1? Choose from the drop-down list.
Panel 3 Additional
What other information would you like to communicate about this idea?
Presentation Ideas
A Presentation is a lecture and/or demonstration by one or more persons. It may or may not include an Audio/Visual component.
Presentation Idea 1
I would like to offer a presentation. Here is the title.
Presenters 1
If Presentation Idea 1 requires more than one presenter, please list people you'd like to present with.
Presentation 1 Description
Here is a brief description draft for the pocket program.
Presentation 1 Logistics
More about my presentation.
Presentation 1 Track
Select from the drop-down list below the Program Track that you think this presentation would best fit into.
Presentation Idea 2
Another presentation I would like you to consider. Here is the title.
Presenters 2
If Presentation Idea 2 requires more than one presenter, please list people you'd like to present with.
Presentation 2 Description
Here is a brief description draft for the pocket program.
Presentation 2 Logistics
More about my other presentation.
Presentation 2 Track
Select from the drop-down list below the Program Track that you think this presentation would best fit into.
Workshop Ideas
A Workshop includes instruction plus handouts, tools, or assembly materials for each participant.
Workshop Idea 1
Here is the title of a Workshop to consider.
Workshop 1 Description
Please enter a brief description for the Pocket Program.
Facilitators 1
If Workshop Idea 1 requires more than one facilitator, please list people you'd like to facilitate with.
Attendance 1
Select the maximum number of attendees for Workshop 1
Workshop 1 Timing
How much time should be allotted for this item?
Workshop 1 Logistics
More about my second workshop idea.
Workshop Idea 2
Here is the title of a second Workshop to consider.
Workshop 2 Description
Please enter a brief description for the Pocket Program.
Facilitators 2
If Workshop Idea 2 requires more than one facilitator, please list people you'd like to facilitate with.
Attendance 2
Select the maximum number of attendees for Workshop 2
Workshop 2 Timing
How much time should be allotted for this item?
Workshop 2 Logistics
More about my other presentation.
Other Ideas
Other Ideas may include concerts, feature-length films, games, competitions, dances, professional or fan group meetups or receptions, and classes (such as a belly-dancing or stage combat class).
Other Idea 1
Here is the Title of this Other Idea.
Other Idea 1 Description
Please enter a complete description to make sure we understand this idea.
Other 1 Personnel
Who will be presenting, moderating or facilitating this item?
Other 1 Attendance
Select the maximum number of attendees for Other 1.
Other Idea 1 Timing
How much time should be allotted for this item?
Other 1 Logistics
More about my first Other Ideas suggestion
Other Idea 2
Here is the Title of this second Other Idea.
Other Idea 2 Description
Please enter a complete description to make sure we understand this idea.
Other 2 Personnel
Who will be presenting, moderating or facilitating this item?
Other 2 Attendance
Select the maximum number of attendees for Other 2.
Other Idea 2 Timing
How much time should be allotted for this item?
Other 2 Logistics
More about my second Other Ideas suggestion
A Note about Internet Access
Wireless Internet is available throughout the hotel. DO NOT count on it for your presentations. We have a decidedly geeky crowd with lots of gadgets and frequently overrun the hotel Internet, no doubt exactly when you need it most. If there is no way around it and you absolutely MUST have internet access to do your presentation, email We may be able to work something out.
Questions for Tech
Balticon Tech provides the behind-the-scenes glue that binds the convention together. If you require help from Tech, let them know in this section.

Slide projectors are not available from Tech. Panelists with slides need to  provide their own projector.

Computers are not provided by Tech. You must bring your own or arrange for one. Balticon will not take responsibility for this.

We recommend that you email a backup copy of your presentation to in case Murphy is having a busy day and chooses your laptop, DVD, or flash drive to trifle with.
Video Projector or HDMI receptive TV
Do you need audio/visual equipment for use with a laptop or other source?  If you are giving a presentation and would like us to provide a projector, tell us here.  NOTE: we do not provide computers!
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Output ports if known
We can handle VGA, DVI, and composite output. Some of our projectors can also handle HDMI. You will need to bring adapters for other types of ports. We cannot guarantee HD projection; please contact us via email to and to request it.
What will you be using as a video source?
In this case, the source is what you will be bringing to Balticon to do your presentation. Please provide as much information as you can, including make, model and operating system..
If you are giving a presentation and would like us to provide a document/3D presentation camera and platform, tell us here.
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DVD Player
Tell us if your program item requires a DVD player and sound system.
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