Spring '15 BSFC Membership
Thank you for your interest in Berkeley Student Food Collective!  Applications are considered on a rolling basis, but priority is given to those who submit their application in the first three weeks of the academic semester.
The Berkeley Student Food Collective is a volunteer-run grocery collective. This means that 99% of our members are volunteers, all of whom are passionate about changing our food system. Members not only run our store, but also we welcome and encourage everyone in the community to join us!)

A collective is an organization that is managed without hierarchy; every member has equal decision-making power and no one has the special authority usually granted to a manager. All staff members are equal co-managers and no member has un-recallable authority over another member (including board members!). Smaller decisions may be made by individuals or committees, but all members participate in both major management and governance decisions. Our Board of Directors, elected by members every year, serves to facilitate membership on relevant projects.

As a collective, one of our core values is making sure that everyone has a say in the way the store is run and operated. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive community within our membership, by helping each and every one of our members grow not only in BSFC, but also in their daily lives. Members collaborate as a collective to develop leadership and professional skills, something that is much harder to accomplish in a hierarchical work setting. Therefore, we welcome anyone with or without a resume - all you'll need is your passion for food justice!
- An application(you are on your way! :D )
- A minimum of a two-hour time commitment per week working in the store, whether it be storefront, cashiering, food prep, committee work, etc.
- Completion of orientation and trainings upon application approval (Orientation dates to come!)
- Completion of two educational community hours per month (this can include attending local food events, social events, educational events hosted by BSFC, etc.)
- Attendance at membership meetings
- No membership fee!
- Upon completion of membership quizzes, eligibility to receive a 10% discount in the store.
- A passion for food and a desire to change the wrongs of our food system
- Someone who thrives in an autonomous, collective environment and has the drive to take on a project of their own choosing
- Good communication skills
- From ages 14 to 200
- A positive attitude and willingness to learn!

We’d be more than happy to answer them! Email our Membership Director at membership@foodcollective.org.

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Name (First and Last) *
Are you currently a UCB student?
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Phone number *
Put N/A if you do not own a phone.
E-mail: *
We must add you to our e-mail groups in order to keep you up to date regarding trainings, events, meetings, field trips, and other fun things!
What is the best way to reach you? *
Are you a returning member? *
Are you interested in participating in our Internal Training Project?
It's totally optional, but here's more information to help you decide: https://docs.google.com/a/foodcollective.org/document/d/1M17J1uRiO5QNNovfyL5rhzw4ggX4n-V6ztTO1o604XA/edit
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