TimestampLastname.FirstnamePeriodCATEGORY: Pain * Fear * DiscomfortGenderGradeCATEGORY: Appearance * EmbarassmentCATEGORY: Ethics * IntellectCATEGORY: RandomEmail Address
12/5/2016 7:57:40Bebech.Emilee1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Female9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/5/2016 7:57:46Craig.Samantha1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Female9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/5/2016 7:57:48Provitt.Marrea1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Female11Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 7:57:08Robertson.Devan1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/5/2016 7:57:22Nichols.Logan1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male11Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 7:58:03Robertson.Dylan1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/5/2016 7:58:12Randall.Bryce1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male11Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/5/2016 7:58:16peters.michael1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male11Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 7:58:22Williams.Gage1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 7:58:23Hebert.Bear1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/5/2016 7:58:36Bayus.Vinnie1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 7:58:40Shingledecker.Jake1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 7:59:00Emery.Gage1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/5/2016 7:59:13Litz.Bailey1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male11Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 7:59:50Comninos.Tyler1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male11Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 8:00:02Foster.Raymond1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male12Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 8:00:23Luke.Bender1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male11Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 8:01:17Brakeman.Josh1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/5/2016 8:02:06cunningham.kasey1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/5/2016 14:04:12Hunter.Darrius7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/9/2016 14:11:31Heeter.Makenzie7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female12Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/12/2016 9:54:28peters.michael1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male11Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/12/2016 9:56:50Tingler. Jordan1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/12/2016 9:57:03Tingler.Drake1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male10Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/13/2016 8:11:18Shingledecker.Jake1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
3/5/2017 11:12:01Langfield.James6Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male12Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
3/29/2017 13:55:46Hock.Richard5Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
3/31/2017 14:40:15I like potatoes7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male10Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
3/31/2017 14:40:27I like toes6Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
3/31/2017 14:40:40jim7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
3/31/2017 14:41:02Sanders.Bernie4Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Female11Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
3/31/2017 14:41:02Surplus7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
3/31/2017 14:41:03Tim Burr6Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male10Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
4/10/2017 22:41:02dab natuin1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
5/1/2017 14:24:23billy johnson7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male11Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
5/25/2017 13:04:27Kj Hobson1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
10/12/2017 12:21:21chuncky ragu7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
11/15/2017 12:24:21Murillo Allam7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/4/2017 8:44:23Brown.Dominic1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/4/2017 8:45:02Brown.Dominic1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/4/2017 9:02:45williamson.dylon1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/4/2017 9:07:33Stigleman.James1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/4/2017 9:08:56Yauger.Anthony1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male12Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/4/2017 9:09:05Harnett.Noah7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male12Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/4/2017 14:04:06Logan.Ryan7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/4/2017 14:05:14Stone.Jordan7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/4/2017 14:16:55Atkinson.Kenneth7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/4/2017 14:33:45Crozier.Dillon7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/5/2017 8:50:31McPheron.Bailey1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female12Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/11/2017 23:17:09McFurrie7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male12Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
1/25/2018 10:09:40hiba zayn7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female10Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
1/30/2018 9:36:24Bridgewaters Mike3Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male10Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
3/5/2018 8:48:53lel.io3Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male11Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
5/10/2018 10:50:42BILLY NON5Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
5/18/2018 20:00:26G.M1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
5/22/2018 9:35:32Amy Perez2Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
5/23/2018 14:56:33sdsdndk4Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
6/20/2018 22:49:31something6Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
6/20/2018 23:31:09Vazquez.Steven4Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
6/21/2018 1:37:26Maddock Ava7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female12Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
9/19/2018 9:58:00j.j1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
10/2/2018 21:52:16Bob Humphery1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male12Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
10/2/2018 21:54:33Abdifhidosfvhbvifodifhbvfod. Wqioehcneiuedfbhciosos1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Female10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
10/18/2018 13:17:46smith.kaila7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Female9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
11/15/2018 20:50:35your mom7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female12Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
11/21/2018 21:24:53chris 1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/10/2018 8:29:44Bellino.Joel1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/10/2018 8:29:48Kristian Murtaugh1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/10/2018 8:30:11morrison.haylee1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Female9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/10/2018 8:30:30Tripsalot.Harry1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male12Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/10/2018 8:30:38laverty.tyler1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/10/2018 8:30:58Stroup.Kyler1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/10/2018 8:31:09Gaylor Dalton1Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/10/2018 8:31:52Montgomery.Kenneth1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/10/2018 8:32:00Byrd.Austin1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/10/2018 8:32:03Kaiser.Rachael1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Female9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/10/2018 8:32:14benson.justin1Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/10/2018 14:06:38Chambers.Zavier7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male11Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/10/2018 14:06:52DeRenzis.Alexander7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male12Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/10/2018 14:07:09woods.ashley7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Female10Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/10/2018 14:07:10Couturiaux.Alex7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male10Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/10/2018 14:08:04Ruschak.Eric7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/10/2018 14:09:32Miller.Gregory7Walk barefoot in a gas station bathroom.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who won't talk at all.
12/11/2018 10:11:41Bartholomew.Steven7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male11Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your accomplishments.Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
12/11/2018 13:52:54yurko.logan7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too much.
11/25/2019 14:07:22Isaiah Jones7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head twice the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too
11/25/2019 14:19:14Isaiah Jones7Slip your bare feet into a very moist pair of old bowling shoes.Male9Have a head half the normal size.Be remembered for your acts of kindness. (but not both)!Be stuck in an elevator for 2 days with someone who talks too