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11U Travel Team Tryout Registration
Please complete all required blocks of the registration form below. The email address/addresses you provide will be used to communicate all informational updates and the results of these tryouts.
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Last Name (of player) *
First Name (of player) *
Player Date of Birth *
Player Birth Certificate
To be eligible to participate in a BBSC Travel/Select Team, a copy of the player's official birth certificate MUST be presented upon check-in for the tryout.
Player's School Grade (as of FALL 2020) *
Parent/Guardian Name (Full Name) *
Parent/Guardian Name (Full Name)
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Home Address *
Per the BBSC Travel Bylaws, a BBSC Select travel team may have a maximum of two (2) “non-Broadneck” players on its roster. It is highly encouraged that BBSC/Broadneck area players fill all roster spots, as a goal of BBSC travel baseball is to serve Broadneck area youth. The Travel Committee may approve by majority vote the selection of more than 2 non-Broadneck area players in the rare case in which there are no qualified Broadneck area candidates available.
Email address *
Email address (alternate)
Emergency Contact Name (if different than parent/guardian)
Emergency Contact Phone Number (if different than parent/guardian)
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