PAC Volunteers 14-15
We hope you will consider volunteering for an upcoming BHS event. The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) group has several upcoming events, and your assistance is requested. Please provide your contact information and let us know how you can assist. If you sign up for one or more of these opportunities, you will be contacted by the chairperson of the event with more details. Thank you!
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Batavia Interschool Council Representative
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January 8th Staff Appreciation Breakfast
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January 12th-Incoming Freshmen Orientation Night (6 pm - 9 pm)
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February 4th Honor Roll Breakfast (Early am-about 10:30 am)
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March 2nd-ACT snacks (3-4:40 pm)
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May Staff Appreciation Luncheon (Date TBD)
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May 9th Post Prom (10 pm- 3 am)
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