Help v2.1 : Admin Control Panel

1. Admin CP Settings:

Boxed Admin Control Panel includes Settings to customize the back end and front end of your site.

2. Basic Information:

The basic information page enables you to add your business information and upload relevant logos and favicon.

2.1 Site Title

Your site title is the name of your site, which could be your own name, a business's name, the name of your blog, or your personal brand.Your site title appears on all pages of your site.

Tip: We recommend keeping text in the Site Title field, even when you’re using a logo. Search engines still index the site title and display it in search results, so it's a best practice to keep it there for SEO.

2.2 Site Logo

The right logo reflects your brand. Since your logo will be viewed at various sizes and resolutions, it’s important to keep your design breathe.Approved formats: JPEG, PNG

Tip: Branding tells your story; it’s not just about a pretty logo! It's about the bigger thinking around the organisation. With a brand you can trust and believe in, any business can thrive.

Tip:Upload a logo size of 200px X 200px in size. The formats supported are PNG, JPEG

2.3 Favicon:

Adding a  favicon, or browser icon, is a small square image that displays next to a page's title in browser tabs and in other places across the web.The formats supported are PNG, JPEG

2.4 Social Sharing:

Upload the social sharing logo(s) which displays on social sharing networks (Facebook, Twitter). It appears when you post a URL from your site. It's quite helpful when the image included in social posts linking to your content, even if the page you're sharing doesn't include images.

3.0 Permissions:

Every registered user with a BoxedCMS account can log in and submit listings as a contributor. If you're not the only one who manages your site, invite people to contribute and then control what they can see by assigning them permissions.

3.1 Creating a Staff member:

Create a Staff member with privileges which you would like to assign.

Tip: You can add as many basic staff members as you want.

3.2 Assigning Permissions

Create a Staff member with privileges which you would like to assign.Each staff member can be assigned with different roles.

Tip: Only Administrators and site owners can add contributors.

4.0 Email Notification:

Use Notification settings to edit your from and reply-to email addresses and adjust notification updates. It’s a good way to know your customer and keep them in the loop to communicate with each other.

Tip:Configure the email at which you would like to receive system emails such as ( new sign-ups,  confirmations, enquiries)

Note: We recommend leaving this as to prevent notification emails from being mistakenly marked as spam.

4.1 Email Settings:

Set the email at which you would like to receive replies to system emails.Enter the preferred email address with SMTP details to send and receive emails.

Warning: Changing the address from which system emails are sent is not recommended unless you own the email's domain. Setting the "from" address to a third-party service like Gmail or Hotmail may result in the message being marked as spam.

5.0  Email Templates:

You can customize your sending email to your customers by editing the body periodically.Enter predefined email templates to mail directly to your registered users of your website.


5.1 Configure Email Templates:

Update your email templates with valid variables predefined in the platform. You can configure SignUp, Reset password and Change password emails sent to your users.

6.0 Google Integrations:

6.1 Google Maps Integration

Enter the Google Map API to integrate in your website.Get your Map API key

6.2 Google Analytics

Connect Google Analytics to your site. Get Google Analytics API

Tip: Google Search Console will tell you that your tracking code must be in the <head> section of the page. Our integration with Google Analytics does this automatically, so you don't need to add any extra code.

7.0 Navigation links:

7.1 Header Menu:

Links that direct visitors to your site content.

Your site's navigation is a set of links that direct visitors to your site content. Configure the header menu with smooth flexibility of menu items.

7.2 Footer Menu:

Configure footer links with predefined sections of the menu. You can also move the order of the menu links in the footer.

8.0 Custom Pages

Custom Page is a blank page, which is a great choice to create a contact, about pages, and create any page with content and pics.

Create custom pages which is as simple as adding your company logo to an existing template.

Build beautiful custom pages required to add for your company pages and documents.Use the inline editor to format and insert media files.Embed photos, videos, podcasts and more.

9.0 Banner Management ( Third Party API)

Google AdSense is a popular third-party ad service. To use it, you first need to activate your Google AdSense account

10.0 Plugin Integration

Integrate any third party API “ On Request” Currently we have integrated DISQUS and MailChimp.

10.1 DISQUS Integration:

Configure commenting by integrating DISQUS.

Speak out loud with the integration of third party commenting system, DISQUS.

Get the API.

10.2 MailChimp Integration

Integrate MailChimp to send email notifications when a user registers or submit article or business. Enter MailChimp API key and List ID. Get API key

11.0 Payment Gateway

BoxedCMS is integrated with Stripe payment gateway to process transactions securely and safely out of the box.

11.1 Stripe Payment gateway

To accept payments from your customers connect a payment gateway in payment settings. After you connect a payment gateway, customers will see its payment options at checkout.

Currently BoxedCMS is integrated with Stripe payment gateway.

Enter the Publishable Key and Stripe Secret Key to configure Stripe payment gateway.

You can connect Stripe to accept these payment methods:

11.2 Payment History

You can track successful payments, refunds and other transactions in the payment history page.View full summary of the transactions done through Stripe.

12.0 Profile/Password

12.1 Profile

You can review and edit your profile details and password.

12.2 Password

Update a new password for your account.

Customer Support:

You can contact us 24 hours a day, seven days a week. BoxedCMS Customer Care is available round the clock.

Email - 24/7

Live chat - 4am to 8pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday

@boxedcms on Twitter - 24/7

When you contact us, you’ll always talk to real, friendly humans.

For an clarifications regarding this user manual.

Feel free to contact us BoxedCMS

Notification Center:

Notification Center (Registered users, Submissions, Comments, Reviews)

Get notified with the latest registered users, content submissions and comments.

Up Next…. Adding Content to your website.

Help : Adding Content


1. Manage Journal

The below screenshot displays featured, top, editor’s pick stories. You can also manage and add stories as top, editor’s pick and breaking news stories.

2. Article Settings:

Clicking on the Article settings icon you can manage the categories, cities of the article to be published. Add new categories and cities you wish to include in your journal.

3. Manage articles

Article adding as featured, breaking news.

The below screenshot displays the way you can add your stories as featured, top or editor’s pick painlessly.

4. Import Stories:

Import your stories from your existing platform to BoxedCMS swiftly through a CSV file.

5. Add new Story:

On clicking the plus button , ‘Add New Article’ will bring you to a page where you can enter as much information as you’d like about your article.

6. Markdown Editor

The below screen shows how the markdown editor can publish stories with embedding links and manage content with highlighting text.

7. Publish Story

Enter an appropriate summary , choose the right category of the story and the region you would like to publish your story.


8. Tags and Social Share:

Enter appropriate tags to index in search engine, Choose the social media you would like to share your story.

9. Filter Stories

Filter your stories with category or city.

9. Article SEO

Configure your SEO details to boost the visibility and get indexed in search engines.

9. Preview Story:

The screenshot displays the preview of the story after it has been added from the admin.

Help : Adding Content


1. Manage Business

Manage Business sponsored and free businesses. You can also manage photos,videos, products, reviews, coupons, subscriptions and stats of the business.

2. Settings Icon:

On clicking settings icon you can manage categories which you think are missing by adding or deleting.

3. Custom fields:

Custom fields play a unique role in defining the business attributes. Every business has different attributes to choose from different groups.

4. Business Pricing:

Monetize business listings by enabling pricing which can be billed annually or monthly.

5. Import business:

Import your business listings from your existing platform to BoxedCMS swiftly through a CSV file.The maximum file size of the CSV file should not exceed 25MB in size.

6. Adding a business:

7. Business requirements:

Upload photos/videos of your business stored in Amazon S3. Add a product or coupon in your business listing.

8. Business Reviews:

Manage your user business reviews with inhouse nested reviews.

9. Business Preview:

Your business preview page can be easily edited if you've missed anything to add in the last minute.

If you still have any issues, You can directly connect to our team by shooting an email to BoxedCMS

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