2016 One City Choir
2016 Registration Form for the Boston Landmarks Orchestra One City Choir

The Boston Landmarks Orchestra is thrilled to announce the return of its One City Choir this summer. The choir will be featured on the “Verdi and Valkyries” program, Wednesday, July 27 at 7:00 pm (rain date, Thursday, July 28). One of the greatest dramatic singers of her generation, Jane Eaglen, soprano, headlines a powerhouse program.  Choral selections include the opening of Puccini’s Manon Lescaut, the Anvil Chorus from Il Trovatore, and the New England premiere of the original 1869 version of Verdi’s Libera me, which five years later he transformed into the dramatic conclusion of the Requiem.
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*Anyone registering after July 7th will be placed on a WAITLIST*
Due to an overwhelming amount of applications.
Contact Information (1/2)
Full Name *
Voice Type *
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Choir Affiliation & Experience (if any)
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