Student Survey on BHS Satisfaction and Redesign
Thank you for taking about ten minutes to take this survey. Responses will be used to inform the Berkeley High School Design Team and our ongoing work to improve outcomes for students.  Please answer all questions, even those which seem redundant.
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Please rate each statement: *
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion (neither agree nor disagree)
Strongly Agree
Berkeley High School is a good match for me
My learning community (AC, AHA, AMPS, BIHS, CAS, ELN, CEC) is a good match for me.
I am glad I attend Berkeley High.
I am happy with my teachers
Most of my teachers care about me.
There is an adult on campus who knows me well.
I know where to go to get help with homework at BHS.
I know where we can go to learn more about college and career opportunities.
I know who my counselor is and how to contact her/him.
I am happy I attend Berkeley High.
I know where to go at BHS if I need help with personal problems.
Berkeley High school is a good school.
Please rate each statement: *
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion (neither agree nor disagree)
Strongly Agree
Berkeley High is a safe place.
BHS has responded well to sexism on campus.
BHS has responded well to racism on campus.
BHS has responded well to homophobia on campus.
BHS has responded well to sexual harassment on campus.
I was adequately supported during my transition to high school.
I know where to go at BHS when I need help with something.
Stress:  On a scale of 1-10 where 1 means I have "little or no stress" and 10 means I have "significant amounts of stress" (for example, engage in self-harm), how would you rank your average stress level:
No Stress
Very high stress 
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Check each item below that you contributes to your stress:
How many total hours do you estimate you spend on homework on a typical school night?
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Does the amount of homework you have result in any of the following:
Where do you receive help with your homework?
I need more opportunities within my school day to learn about: (check all that apply)
What have been some of the most positive experiences for you at Berkeley High School?
What have been some of the more challenging aspects for you at Berkeley High School?
Some schools have an "advisory" period to create a college and career going culture, provide academic supports and promote strong relationships across students. For example, an advisory period is where we could talk about building a more anti-racist culture at BHS, we could address sexual harassment and address incidents that arise throughout the school year. Do you feel that it would be useful to have an "advisory" period during your school day?
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One of the considerations being made by the Design Team is a Universal 9th Grade, which would eliminate the 8th grade lottery/choice system and replace it with diverse groupings of students in small, personalized houses for their 9th grade transition. The goal would be to provide ample education and information about the choices available at BHS during their 9th grade year. The statements below relate to your experience with the Lottery Assignment system between 8th and 9th grade. Choose the statement that best reflects your experience.
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Another goal is to make sure that all students are known well by an adult and their classmates in the 9th grade. Please select the statement that best reflects your experience:
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Do you have an additional thoughts you'd like to share with the Design Team?
In order to better understand who is participating in this survey please complete the following questions to the best of your ability.
To which learning community do you belong?
What grade are you in?
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Which of these terms describes you?
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Do you participate in the free or reduced price lunch program?
Clear selection
Do you have an IEP?
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What is the highest level of education in your household?
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Please indicate your primary race:
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