AMIA / DLF Hack day Registration Form
In association with the annual conference, the Association of Moving Image Archivists will host it’s first ever hack day on November 6, 2013 in Richmond, VA. The event will be a unique opportunity for practitioners and managers of digital audiovisual collections to join with developers and engineers for an intense day of collaboration to develop solutions for digital audiovisual preservation and access. It will be fun and practical. And there will be prizes!

This year's’ hack day is a partnership between AMIA and the Digital Library Federation. A robust and diverse community of practitioners who advance research, teaching and learning through the application of digital library research, technology and services, DLF brings years of experience creating and hosting events designed to foster collaboration and develop shared solutions for common challenges.

Why an AMIA hack day?

An audiovisual preservation-themed CURATEcamp was held in April 2013, drawing over 120 registrants from at least 3 continents for a day of great conversations and lightning talks. CURATEcamp is as series of unconference-style events focused on connecting practitioners and technologists interested in digital curation. The event generated a lot of documentation and articulated many shared concerns. Topics covered included digitization of video, film scanning, digital storage strategies, proprietary digital video files in collections, and technical metadata for preservation. The participants of the event agreed that more work needed to be done and action taken, so the idea for an AMIA hack day was born.

Organizers contact information is below as well a link to our CURATEcamp wiki. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Lauren Sorensen: laurens [at] bavc [dot] org
Steven Villereal: villereal [at] gmail [dot] com
Kara Van Malssen: kara [at] avpreserve [dot] com

CURATEcamp Wiki:

Location: Crowne Plaza, Richmond, VA (an 8 minute walk from the AMIA conference hotel)
555 E Canal St, near S. 6th, Richmond, VA 23219

Date: 10-5pm on November 6.

Presently, as of Oct. 9, 2013, we are only accepting registration from developer participants, as all other seats are filled.
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If applicable.
What is your role? *
What kind of problem or project are you interested in working on?
Can you provide any data that can be used during the event? If so, what (sample/problem files, metadata, etc)?
What tools or technologies are you most comfortable working with?
Please describe here the technological skillset you'll bring to the event. For developers, describe the languages are you accustomed to working in. If you're an archivist or preservationist, describe what content you deal with or how you normally handle digital media in your collections.
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