SNLP: Faculty Application, Step 1
Thank you for your interest in applying to the Faculty Position for Summer 2015 with Sadie Nash Leadership Project!

Faculty teach the coursework component of the Summer Institute, an award-winning program that enables high school aged youth to develop ideas, questions, and concerns as they explore leadership, social justice and activism. We are interested in courses that connect with our mission and also connect with the identities of the young women in SNLP. We are seeking faculty to teach a variety of different courses, for either 4-weeks or 6-weeks respectively, including: Core, Creative, and Academic classes.

Summer Institute runs July 6th - August 14th
Ready S.E.T. Go! runs July 6th - July 31st

Please read the full description available on Idealist listing before applying.


Step 1: Complete the basic contact information below.

Step 2: Email your resume, cover letter, and class proposal in PDF or Microsoft Word format to: Please include First & Last Name and which course you are applying to in the subject line.

Deadline: MONDAY MARCH 30th, 2015 (midnight EST via email). Only completed applications will be considered.

SNLP is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are looking for a diverse applicant pool and strongly encourage women of color, immigrants, members of the LGBTQ community, and students from low-income and working class backgrounds to apply.

Please visit our website: for more information.
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Basic Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Cell phone *
Email Address *
Permanent Address *
What is your educational background? *
Examples: Masters in Education or Experienced Doula
Programs List
Below please see a full listing of the faculty positions we are hiring for. Please refer to Idealist postings for more information on program specifics.
Which program/s are you interested in teaching in?
(you may click more than one program)
Are you interested in teaching a CORE course in Summer Institute? (6 weeks)
(*curriculum is provided; teach 2 full days per week)
Are you interested in teaching a CORE course in Ready S.E.T Go? (4 weeks)
(*curriculum is provided; teach 3 full days per week)
Are you interested in teaching a CREATIVE or ACADEMIC course?
(*create your own curriculum; 4 hours of instruction per week, available for both 6 & 4 week programs)
Please list your top 3 relevant experiences connected to leadership, activism, youth-work, etc. *
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